GRI GRI 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee

GRI 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee

Throughout the year, 1,904 employees working in Bahia operations were trained, totaling 72,635.04 hours of training and an average of 38.15 hours of training per trained employee. In São Paulo operations, 5,782 employees were trained, totaling 36,4603 hours of training, with an average number of hours of 63.1 per employee trained.

Training data considers technical and operational training only, which are mandatory due to legislation and Regulatory Standards obligations. Bracell operational team are mainly composed of men. In 2023, there were a total of 1,904 employees in Bahia (1,434 men and 470 women) and 5,782 in São Paulo (4,718 men and 1,064 women). For this reason, training hours for men account for the majority of training carried out (read more in GRI Content 405-1).


Average hours of employee training during the reporting period, by gender
GENDER Total workforce Hours of training Average hours of training (h)
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Men 1,239 1,343 1,434 92,233.00 85,221.18 62,016.72 74.44 63.46 43.25
Women 357 436 470 11,218.00 10,538.12 10,618.32 31.42 24.17 22.59
Total 1,596 1,779 1,904 103,451.00 95,759.30 72,635.04 64.81 53.83 38.15

Note: training data considers technical and operational training only, which are mandatory due to legislation and Regulatory Standards obligations. Bracell operational team are mainly composed of men. In 2023, there were a total of 1,904 employees in Bahia (1,434 men and 470 women). For this reason, training hours for men account for the majority of training carried out (read more in GRI Content 405-1).



Average hours of employee training during the reporting period, by gender
GENDER Total workforce Hours of training Average hours of training (h)
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Men 2600 3617 4,718 554,448.00 119,051.00 314,123.00 213.24 32.91 66.60
Women 530 818 1,064 26,803.00 13,040.00 50,479.00 50.57 15.94 47.40
Total 3,130 4,435 5,782 581,251.00 132,092.00 364,603.00 185.70 29.78 63.10

Note: training data considers technical and operational training only, which are mandatory due to legislation and Regulatory Standards obligations. Bracell operational teams are mainly composed of men. In 2023, there were a total of 5,782 in São Paulo (4,718 men and 1,064 women). For this reason, training hours for men account for the majority of training carried out (read more in GRI Content 405-1).