UNGC Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labor

Browse through indicators

GRI 2-8 Workers who are not employees


2021 2022 2023
Gender Bahia São Paulo Bracell Bahia São Paulo Bracell Bahia São Paulo Bracell
Men 3,414 5,946 9,360 3,025 unavailable 3,025 2,671 12,056 14,727
Women 130 494 624 138 unavailable 138 138 1,182 1,320
Total 3,544 6,440 9,984 3,163 12,434 15,597 2,809 13,238 16,047

Note 1: due to a limitation in the system used to collect data on contractors, Bracell cannot provide a breakdown by gender of contractors working in our operations in São Paulo. The system used in 2023 will support breakdowns by gender. Data on contractors in the Tissue project are managed by a third-party firm.

GRI 2-19 Remuneration policies

Bracell’s total compensation package comprises multiple remuneration components, including financial rewards based on employees’ roles, contributions, and achievements within the organization. In formulating total compensation, several factors are taken into consideration:

  • Applicable labor laws and regulations and collective bargaining agreements;
  • Job grading and the relative importance of each role within the organizational structure;
  • Benchmarked compensation practices;
  • Internal pay equity and external competitiveness, ensuring parity among roles of similar levels and importance;
  • Skill sets and competencies required for each position;
  • Organizational strategies;
  • Budgetary constraints and the overall financial health of the company;
  • The Company’s organizational structure;
  • Overall organizational performance;
  • Individual employee performance.

The salary structure is updated annually based on market benchmarks, including variables such as competitor compensation, regional economic factors, labor market conditions, unemployment rates, and turnover.

GRI 2-20 Process for determining remuneration

Bracell does not have an independent compensation committee responsible for overseeing the process for determining remuneration. Employee compensation comprises a base salary commensurate with their respective roles, supplemented by various benefits. Each year, the terms of collective bargaining agreements are incorporated into compensation packages following negotiations with unions representing employee categories within the workforce.

Salary structures are formulated based on legal requirements, market analysis, and biannual internal performance evaluations.

For employees in leadership positions (specialist and above), performance evaluations are conducted by a committee comprising Bracell leaders from relevant departments (learn more in disclosure GRI 2-19).

Bracell’s compensation and performance evaluation policies align with those of RGE.

GRI 3-3 Approach to managing the material topic Human rights in the value chain

Human rights in the value chain is a material topic for Bracell encompassing monitoring and managing human rights compliance in Bracell’s operations. In people management, fostering an environment that supports diversity, inclusion and a sense of belonging for different identities and individual choices, and ensuring employee well-being, health and safety.

In 2023, Bracell announced its set of long-term sustainability targets and commitments titled “Bracell 2030”, which includes specific Empowering Lives targets:

Promoting equal opportunities for women

Fostering an inclusive work environment  for diversity groups

In 2023 we published a Human Resources Policy that formalizes Bracell’s commitment to sustainable development and best practices that positively impact people and communities. The Policy requires that Bracell respect the dignity and human rights of its employees, contractors, and subcontractors, as well as the rights of indigenous peoples and local and traditional communities. It establishes guidelines on business conduct and on managing human rights impacts, ensuring we deliver on our commitment to maintaining sound labor practices and decent working conditions.

Bracell’s internal labor policies are aligned with international certification requirements and Brazilian laws and regulations, in particular the Regulatory Standards (NRs) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. The official channels available for handling human rights-related reports, grievances and concerns are amply communicated (read more in GRI 2-25).

Corporate policies—including our Code of Conduct, Procurement Ethics Code, Human Rights Policy, Sustainability Policy and Pulpwood and Fiber Sourcing Policy—provide guidance to stakeholders on mitigating human rights risks and impacts and govern our contracts with suppliers and contractors. These policies support us in mitigating risks related to child labor and forced and slave labor in our value chain, and ensuring compliance with labor, child and adolescent rights.

We also continuously monitor the areas surrounding our eucalyptus plantations to protect human rights in neighboring communities, as part of our pulpwood traceability process.

With the commissioning of our two flexible lines at our Lençóis Paulista (SP) site, we have expanded our forestry operations in the region and some local residents on a particular property have been resettled as a result.

This process is managed in compliance with International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard 5 – Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement. Within this front, Bracell also manages and works to prevent and/or mitigate the social risks to which workers and their families may be exposed.

Every six months on average, Bracell undergoes an independent audit on compliance with social and environmental standards, including the IFC Performance Standards.

To minimize actual impacts on communities surrounding the mill, we use an approach that includes community mapping, advertising official communication channels, and managing and addressing community concerns.

Bracell also actively manages and works to prevent and/or promptly mitigate the social risks to which workers and their families may be exposed.

The Company’s internal regulations comply with international certifications and Brazilian legislation, in particular the Regulatory Standards (NRs) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. We also publicize our official channels for receiving reports, complaints and concerns (learn more at Disclosures GRI 2-25).

GRI 3-3 Management of the material topic Supplier social and environmental assessment

Socio-environmental assessment of suppliers is a material topic for Bracell, and its scope includes the application of socio-environmental criteria for the evaluation and selection of suppliers in its operational units. For service providers and suppliers of wood, the main raw material for the industry, criteria of environmental legislation, human rights, labor rights, and children’s and adolescents’ rights are applied, including the fight against slave labor and child labor. As for suppliers of inputs, they are assessed according to the legislation applicable to the segment, also considering environmental issues.

At Bracell, supplier onboarding and management are governed by corporate policies on sustainability and human rights management, which in turn draw guidance from applicable laws and regulations and international sustainability standards. Our related policies are publicly available on our website.

Specifically, Bracell commits to:

  • Promote economic development in the regions where we operate, including by engaging local suppliers to supply products and services for our forestry, mill, logistics (wood and pulp), and administrative operations;
  • As part of supplier due diligence, review documents demonstrating compliance with environmental laws and regulations, environmental and operational license requirements, and other requirements specific to the supplier’s segment. These requirements are monitored throughout the supplier’s contract, with periodic requests for updated documentation;
  • Evaluate and score suppliers on performance. All suppliers are screened and must meet a minimum score to retain their supplier status. The findings from screening may prevent the relevant supplier from being awarded the contract or the negotiations from proceeding;
  • Conduct supplier visits when necessary to assess performance. On-site supplier visits are properly conducted and documented in an assessment report measuring the supplier’s performance based on defined criteria;
  • Has a performance improvement program for suppliers, providing recommendations for them to achieve better results. The decision to disqualify a supplier is made impartially by a committee that carefully evaluates the information provided, ensuring transparency and equal opportunity for all. A Supplier Performance Assessment Form is submitted to the supplier, clearly detailing the reasons for the underperformance. Suppliers are notified of the results of the legal compliance assessment, carried out in the supplier due dilligence process.

Read more in GRI 308-1, in the section Management of the material topic Human rights in the value chain, under Empowering Lives, and in GRI 3-3, in the section Management of the material topic Human rights in the value chain.

GRI 204-1 Proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers

We define local as our operations in Bahia (Camaçari, Alagoinhas and the municipalities hosting our forestry operations) and São Paulo (Lençóis Paulista and municipalities hosting our forestry operations in São Paulo). We define significant locations of operation as our sites in São Paulo (Lençóis Paulista and forestry operations supplying pulpwood to our São Paulo site) and Bahia (Camaçari and forestry operations supplying pulpwood to the Bahia mill). For confidentiality reasons, Bracell does not report financial data.

In 2023, local suppliers accounted for 47.04% of supplier spend in our São Paulo operations, and 67.27% of supplier spend in our Bahia operations. Local suppliers are defined as those located within the states hosting the relevant operations.

GRI 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria

Suppliers of equipment, products and services are screened using the approach described in GRI 3-3 Management of the material topic Supplier social and environmental assessment. All suppliers are required to be screened, including new suppliers. In 2023, all suppliers that worked directly on our operations throughout the year were assessed in regards to social and environmental requirements. Suppliers are obliged to comply with environmental legislation, technical standards, among other mandatory requirements that integrate Bracell forestry and milling certifications standars. The suppliers are selected for integrating Bracell operations if they meet the mandatory criteria. Suppliers are managed separately, by operation. Regarding the 2023 performance, the total number of suppliers assessed and selected according to these criteria is not available.

GRI 308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

Bracell routinely assesses risks and impacts related to its operations’ direct suppliers. Risk and impact assessments are conducted using Bracell’s environmental aspect and impact matrix, which conforms to the requirements of the certification standards applicable to our operations as well as applicable laws and regulations. In 2023 there were no negative environmental impacts from our operations’ suppliers. Read more in GRI 3-3 Management of the material topic Supplier social and environmental assessment.

GRI 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system

Bracell operates an Integrated Occupational Health and Safety Management System that is compliant with Brazilian legislation, including the Regulatory Standards (NRs) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. This system covers all employees and contractors in our operations.

The system is operated by Bracell employees who are members of the Specialized Occupational Health and Safety Service (SESMT) and the Specialized Rural Occupational Health and Safety Service (SESTR), as mandated by NR-4 and NR-31. Each site has a dedicated Occupational Physician, Occupational Nurse, and Nursing Technician.

Our occupational health and safety management practices also include a Risk Management Program (PGR), Rural Occupational Risk Management Program (PGRTR), and Occupational Health Surveillance Program (PCMSO). These programs outline safety standards and procedures applicable to all activities conducted by employees and contractors, in line with our integrated management system policy.

System procedures also include routine requirements as well as specific control measures depending on the risk profiles of individual tasks.

These initiatives align with our Integrated Management System Manual and international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and Cerflor/PEFC.

GRI 403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation

Our Health and Safety Department includes Process Safety, Emergency Response, and Business Risk functions. These functions conduct risk and hazard assessments across our operations, covering People, the Environment, Assets, and Business Continuity.

We monitor and evaluate Occupational Health and Safety System performance and develop action plans addressing improvement opportunities for hazards and risks identified within our Rural Occupational Risk Management Program (PGRTR) and Risk Management Plan (PGR).

Based on the PGR and task descriptions (see GRI 403-1), we identify the risks associated with each task. We then use this information to create action plans focused on accident and incident prevention as well as opportunities for improvement.

Health and safety performance indicators are monitored by our health and safety team, which presents performance metrics to all departments in monthly meetings, and to the board and management in bi-weekly occupational health and safety meetings.

Health and safety performance is internally assessed by the Health and Safety team and shared with department heads in monthly safety meetings, and with the board and management in bi-weekly Occupational Health and Safety meetings. During these meetings, members discuss performance indicators and opportunities to improve processes.

In 2023, we engaged EHS Brazil to conduct a safety culture assessment in our mill operations to evaluate our level of maturity in health and safety management. The assessment informed the development of a cultural transformation plan (CTP). During the year, we launched a critical risk assessment to inform the development of a Safety Management Manual for our mill operations. We also implemented a new system for managing health and safety indicators.

Additionally that year, we created a Process Safety and Emergency function to ensure equipment is safe and reliable and prevent accidents, incidents, or damage to Bracell’s assets. Our process safety guidelines are compliant with the Regulatory Standards of the Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment and are integrated into the PGR program.

Programs, processes, and practices for risk assessment and accident investigation

Hazard Reports Hazard Reports are issued for all employee roles and tasks. Risk assessments are carried out by a specialized firm using appropriate methods that are compliant with current legislation.
Workplace Environment Condition Reports (LTCAT) These reports identify areas eligible for hazard bonuses and that require enhanced risk control measures. They also inform action plans that guide prevention efforts.
Risk Management

Program (PGR)

This program aims to identify risks and measures to control and prevent them (collective protection equipment, administrative measures, training and personal protective equipment).
Rural Occupational Risk Management Program (PGRTR) Through this program, we identify, assess, and manage occupational risks in our forestry operations.
Worker protection policies and processes To shield workers from retaliation, Bracell has policies and processes in place to prevent intimidation, threats, or actions that could negatively impact employment or the workplace environment, such as termination, demotion, loss of income, punishment, and any other unfavorable treatment.
Right of Refusal All employees have a right to refuse to perform a given task if they feel unsafe, by completing the right-of-refusal field in the Work Clearance form.
Sempre Alerta and Safe Behavior Program We have two behavioral programs supporting our goal of achieving zero incidents: Sempre Alerta (“Always Alert”), with a focus on our forestry and mill operations, and our Safe Behavior Program, with a focus on mill operations, both of which are designed to preventively achieve continuous improvement in our safety culture.
Prevention card All employees are issued a prevention card containing a list of 10 self-assessment criteria, which they must carry with their badge. This card includes a reminder of their right to stop their task, immediately notify their supervisor, and only continue the task when the risk has been neutralized or eliminated. The right of refusal is also included in each employee category’s collective bargaining agreement.
Internal Accident Prevention Committee (CIPA) Bracell has a continuous improvement subcommittee within CIPA that documents safety actions implemented and their practical outcomes.
Accident Prevention Week A week dedicated to improving employees’ understanding of operational and occupational safety procedures, as well as safe behavior.
Accident and Incident Investigation In cases of accidents and incidents, the root causes are investigated and determined with the participation of managers, area owners, the Occupational Health and Safety team, the Internal Accident Prevention Committee (CIPA), and those directly involved in the incident. These investigations, conducted in accordance with internal safety procedures, aim to identify the root causes, implement actions to address them, and document lessons learned to prevent recurrence.
Root Cause Analysis All accidents and incidents occurring in our operations are documented and investigated through Root Cause Analysis (learn more below).
Occupational Safety Inspection Reports (RIST) Occupational Safety Inspection Reports (RIST) are prepared as part of internal health, safety and environment audits. These reports cover 199 safety compliance items (derived from Brazilian regulatory standards NR01, NR31, NR12 and safety training content). These reports are prepared on a regular basis by occupational safety employees for compliance with applicable regulations and for continuous improvement in our forestry operations.

As an additional preventive measure, department-specific and general performance review meetings are held to develop action plans addressing safety inspection items raised by the occupational safety team.

Occupational Health Surveillance Program This program maps out workers’ tasks and workplaces, the occupational hazards to which they are exposed, and the medical exams required for the prevention of occupational diseases and health protection. It also establishes the frequency at which health checkups are to be conducted. All workers are covered by health and safety management systems.
Administrative Disciplinary and Remediation Rules (“RADAR”) These rules are designed to embed operational discipline and safe behaviors in Bracell’s mill and forestry operations. In addition to strengthening the safety culture of everyone who interacts with the company’s processes, RADAR also establishes a more transparent and fair approach to recognizing good safety practices, as well as a new tolerance stance on unsafe conduct that causes accidents in our operations.

GRI 403-3 Occupational health services

Through our Occupational Health Surveillance Program (PCMSO), we conduct regular health screening checkups that help to preserve the well-being of our employees. These checkups are focused on the specific occupational risks that each worker is exposed to. If any abnormal results are detected during checkups, the relevant individuals are temporarily relieved of their duties, provided with appropriate treatment based on the recommendations of our medical team, and monitored until their health status normalizes.

As part of our commitment to preventive care and health promotion, we have a Hearing Conservation Program (PCA) designed to protect the auditory health of our workforce. The program includes measures to mitigate noise-related risks, thereby preventing or minimizing work-related hearing impairment. It includes a hearing management system integrated into the environmental management system.

We also regularly provide both individual and group counseling on topics such as maintaining a healthy diet and the importance of exercising regularly (for further details, see GRI 403-6).

GRI 403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety

Our concern for the health and safety of employees translates into a range of actions, programs, and initiatives:

  • Safe Behavior Program: designed to develop safety awareness, this program involves trained professionals who identify and mitigate unsafe behaviors. It encourages a preventive approach rather than punitive measures.
  • 100% Safe Journey: this program recognizes safety compliance and good practices demonstrated by employees. Following assessments of compliance with safety standards, winners are announced and awarded bronze, silver, or gold badges.
  • Sempre Alerta Program: implemented in our São Paulo operations, this program aims to proactively identify areas and practices in need of improvement and educate employees about their right to refuse unsafe work.
  • Toolbox Safety Talks: these talks provide an opportunity for employees and contractors to discuss safety before they start each workday.
  • Health and Safety Campaigns: these campaigns promote a culture of health and safety among employees and contractors by disseminating informative and educational materials.
  • Incident identification, reporting, documentation and investigation: this program encourages all employees, including contractors, to identify, communicate, and document all incidents occurring within our operations. Following investigation, action plans are developed for each reported case. All this information is evaluated as part of the incident investigation process.

Due to confidentiality considerations and pursuant to Brazilian patient confidentiality laws, Bracell does not disclose occupational health data, access to which is restricted to employees within this department.

GRI 403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety

We provide Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training to equip Bracell employees with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge for their roles. This training, delivered in plain language, is designed to enhance well-being and minimize accidents and incidents. Training is provided to all new hires as part of their onboarding process immediately after joining the company.

In our São Paulo operations, we offer first aid training to employees in both forestry and mill operations, preparing teams for emergency response. The instructors for these sessions are employees from our health department.

We also run an annual training program for the fire teams responsible for responding to fires in our forestry and mill operations, in compliance with the regulations of the São Paulo and Bahia fire departments. These training sessions cover:

  • Implementation of strategic actions;
  • Use of equipment;
  • Defensive driving techniques for firefighting vehicles;
  • Use of helicopters for support in fire response;
  • Best practices in local community engagement.

GRI 403-6 Promotion of worker health

Bracell provides health and dental plans for all employees and their dependents, with national coverage. We also offer discounts at drugstore chains, opticians, gyms, educational institutions, and partnerships with organizations such as the Industrial Social Service (SESI), providing access to sports and leisure activities.

Our health management practices help to enhance well-being, prevent diseases, and offer individual and collective counseling to employees on topics such as regular check-ups, healthy nutrition, and the importance of exercising regularly. We also conduct:

  • Annual health campaigns: coordinated awareness initiatives on topics including sexually transmitted infections, respiratory diseases, flu vaccination, breast (Pink October) and prostate cancer prevention (Blue November), dehydration prevention, and two annual blood donation drives.
  • Bracell Challenge: a program focusing on quality of life, encouraging healthy nutrition and regular exercise.
  • Pessoinhas program: multidisciplinary support for pregnant employees and spouses, providing assistance throughout pregnancy up to 6 months after childbirth.
  • Corporate Citizenship: extension of maternal leave by an additional 60 days, totaling 180 days of leave, and extended paternal leave by an additional 15 days, totaling 20 days of leave.
  • Eucalyptus Run: employees and their families participate in a run around a eucalyptus forest in an event promoting health and well-being.

GRI 403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships

Our employees and contractors have access to outpatient services, including checkups by nurses and physicians. When necessary, workers are referred for additional exams and specialized medical care. Bracell also has an Emergency Response Plan for incidents at its plants, which operate 24 hours a day and are organized into three shifts. Forestry operations have a Strategic Occupational Safety Plan.

Our Process Safety, Emergency, and Business Risk Management team also assesses risks and hazards associated with production processes and business continuity.

Each mill has a dedicated 24-hour emergency team, including an emergency response team on call during all shifts, along with fire wardens at our São Paulo mill with appropriate emergency response equipment, such as water and chemical fire engines, ambulances, portable cannons, and automated external defibrillators. In Bahia, the emergency team is a member of the Camaçari Industrial Park’s Mutual Emergency Response Plan (PAM), and may be called on to respond in an emergency.

Occupational health and safety management practices

Safe behavior The safe behaviors outlined in our Code of Conduct are reinforced through clear guidelines for employees.
Occupational health & safety programs Comportamento Seguro (“Safe Behavior”) and Sempre Alerta (“Always Alert”)—two programs covering all employees, including contractors.
Inspections Safety inspections to identify unsafe working conditions and behavior, inform continuous improvement, and strengthen our safety culture.
Contractor audits Six-monthly audits on compliance with applicable legal requirements (read more in Responsible Production, GRI 408-1).
Integrated Management System Procedures, instructions, and incident investigation forms are Incorporated in Bracell’s Integrated Management System (IMS).


GRI 403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system

All employees and third parties are covered by the occupational health and safety system that covers all forestry and mill operations teams.


Employees covered by an occupational health and safety management system



São Paulo


2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Men 1,235 1,342 1,434 2,592 3,412 4,501 3,827 4,754 5,935
Women 356 436 470 523 715 986 879 1,151 1,456
Total 1,591 1,778 1,904 3,115 4,127 5,487 4,706 5,905 7,391


Employee covered by an occupational health and safety management system (%)


Bahia São Paulo Bracell
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022




75% 75% 83% 83% 82% 81% 81% 80%


22% 25% 25% 17% 17% 18% 19% 19%



Third paties covered by an occupational health and safety management system 

2021 2022 2023
Gender Bahia São Paulo Bracell Bahia São Paulo Bracell Bahia São Paulo Bracell
Men 3,414 5,946 9,360 3,025 unavailable 3,025 2,671 12,056 14,727
Women 130 494 624 138 unavailable 138 138 1,182 1,320
Total 3,544 6,440 9,984 3,163 12,434 15,597 2,809 13,238 16,047

Note 1: due to a limitation in the system used to collect data on contractors, Bracell cannot provide a breakdown by gender of contractors working in our operations in São Paulo. The system used in 2023 will support breakdowns by gender. Data on contractors in the Tissue project are managed by a third-party firm.

GRI 403-9 Work-related injuries

 Number and rate of injuries per year, by operation



Number of injuries (including fatalities) Injury rates Number of injuries (including fatalities) Injury rates
Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time
2021 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1.6
2022 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.5 0
2023 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 1 0.00 0.45
Note: the rates have been calculated based on 1,000,000 hours worked and no workers were excluded from the disclosure.


 Number and rate of injuries per year, by operation

Year Number of injuries (including fatalities) Injury rates Number of injuries (including fatalities) Injury rates
Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time
2021 3 46 1.47 22.6 3 13 1.12 5.98
2022 6 27 1.46 6.82 2 15 0.82 6.14
2023 7 27 1.16 4.46 3 14 1.12 5.22
Note: the 2022 data are based on 4,104,465.27 man-hours worked. Note: the 2023 data are based on 2,681,610.99 man-hours worked.



Year Number of injuries (including fatalities) Injury rates
Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time
2021 N/A N/A N/A N/A
2022 0 0 0 0
2023 0 0 0 0



Year Number of injuries (including fatalities) Injury rates Number of injuries (including fatalities) Injury rates
Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time
2021 0 3 0 0.62 0 3 0 2.17
2022 1 3 0.14 0.41 0 2 0 1.4
2023 1 0 0.19 0.00 0 1 0.00 0.62
Note: the rates have been calculated based on 1,000,000 hours worked and no workers were excluded from the disclosure.


Number and rate of injuries per year, by operation

Year Number of injuries (including fatalities) Injury rates Number of injuries (including fatalities) Injury rates
Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time
2021 4 68 0.43 7.25 1 7 2.1 14.7
2022 3 35 0.3 2.89 2 17 0.62 5.31
2023 9 47 0.59 3.10 5 19 2.32 8.80
Note: the 2022 data are based on 13,135,990.00 man-hours worked. Note: the 2023 data are based on 2,159,240.2 man-hours worked.



Year Number of injuries (including fatalities) Injury rates
Lost time No lost time Lost time No lost time
2021 N/A N/A N/A N/A
2022 2 12 1.72 10.29
2023 1 4 0.48 1.93
Note: the 2023 data are based on 2,068,879.00 man-hours worked.


GRI 403-10 Work-related ill health

Information on the main types of work-related ill health is not disclosed for confidentiality reasons under the Brazilian General Data Protection Regulation (BR GDPR) and due to doctor-patient privilege.

GRI 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees

In 2023, with Bracell 2030, we will drive our planning and actions focused on the theme of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), with the goal of reaching 30% of women in leadership positions by 2030 (read more in GRI Content 2-22). We have also developed structured actions to drive the agenda in the Company with the Diversity and Inclusion Journey, which is based on the pillars of Gender and PwD in the São Paulo and Bahia units, as well as Race and LGBTQIAPN+ in Bahia; and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee in promoting the agenda in the Company through training and fostering employee engagement on the topic.

In São Paulo, a training session on D&I was held focused on employees in the Human Resources area and also on members of affinity groups. In Bahia, our journey stood out by receiving two commitment seals related to LGBT diversity and the renewal of the ethnic-racial commitment. In addition, throughout the year we promote training for all levels of leadership, Safety Dialogue (DDS) in the areas, internal and external events, and Bracell’s first diversity week.

Bracell is also a signatory of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), a UN Global Compact and UN Women initiative providing guidance on promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community. We also provide thought leadership on this agenda within trade associations.

Gender equity survey

In 2023, we conducted an internal survey targeting women and leaders on gender equality in São Paulo, seeking to understand employees’ perceptions of the work environment. Based on the responses, we based the construction of a Diversity & Inclusion Journey, to actively listen to women regarding the insertion of women in the sector’s job market, and a training agenda on the subject.

Rede Mulher Florestal (“Women in Forestry Network”)

In 2023, we joined and assumed the vice presidency of Rede Mulher Florestal, and began responding to the organization’s survey questionnaire on the presence of women in the forestry industry. The initiative is also collecting diversity data beyond gender, such as race and people with disabilities.

Our participation in the initiative illustrates Bracell’s commitment to promoting and leading gender diversity efforts in the forestry sector.

Composition of Bracell’s senior leadership team by gender

Bracell’s senior leadership team comprises executives holding senior management and executive positions, including managing director, director and senior director positions (senior director is the equivalent of president within the RGE group of companies).

In 2023, 3 women (all senior managers) and 40 men (12 directors and 28 senior managers) integrated Bracell’s senior leadership. Based on the total number of Bracell high level leadership by gender and role in 2023, women held 7% of senior leadership positions.

Based on the total number of Bracell medium level leadership by gender and role, in 2023 women held 29% of medium level leadership positions.

Based on the total number of all Bracell leadership, women held 26.4% of the positions, a total of 93 women on leadership.

Employees by leadership level and gender in 2023

Position Bahia São Paulo Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Director¹ 2 0 10 0 12 0
Senior Manager 4 2 24 1 28 3
Manager 30 11 49 24 79 35
Coordinator 54 17 86 38 140 55
Total 90 30 169 63 259 93

Employees by leadership level and gender in 2023


Position Bahia São Paulo Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Director¹ 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%
Senior Manager 67% 33% 96% 4% 90% 9.7%
Manager 73% 27% 67% 33% 69% 30.7%
Coordinator 75% 25% 69% 31% 71% 28.6%
Total 75% 25% 73% 27% 74% 26%

¹ Including the positions of president, director, head and vice president.

Note: For the Bracell 2030 target of promoting equal opportunities for women and achieving 30% of women in leadership positions, coordination positions and above are taken into account.

Employees by gender and position in 2023

Position Bahia São Paulo Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Executive Management¹ 2 0 10 0 12 0
Senior Management 4 2 24 1 28 3
Middle Management 30 11 49 24 79 35
Coordinators 54 18 86 38 140 56
Specialists 45 8 80 32 125 40
Technicians/Supervisors 115 25 644 76 759 101
Administrative 145 192 370 307 515 499
Operational 1031 210 3219 500 4250 710
Trainees 8 4 19 8 27 12
Total 1.434 470 4.501 986 5.935 1.456

Employees by gender and position in 2023 (%)

Position Bahia São Paulo Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Executive Management¹ 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%
Senior Management 67% 33% 96% 4% 90% 10%
Middle Management 73% 27% 67% 33% 69% 31%
Coordinators 75% 25% 69% 31% 71% 29%
Specialists 85% 15% 71% 29% 76% 24%
Technicians/Supervisors 82% 18% 89% 11% 88% 12%
Administrative 43% 57% 55% 45% 51% 49%
Operational 83% 17% 87% 13% 86% 14%
Trainees 67% 33% 70% 30% 69% 31%
Total 75% 25% 82% 18% 80% 20%
¹ Including the positions of president, director, head and vice president.


Employees by position and age group in 2023

Position Under 30 30 to 50 Over 50 Total
Executive Management¹ 0 4 8 12
Senior Management 0 22 9 31
Middle Management 1 100 13 114
Coordinators 4 172 20 196
Specialists 12 137 16 165
Technicians/Supervisors 175 605 80 860
Administrative 371 597 46 1.014
Operational 1.073 3.287 600 4.960
Trainees 38 1 0 39
Total by age 1.674 4.925 792 7.391

Employees by position and age group in 2023

Position Under 30 30 to 50 Over 50 Total
Executive Management¹ 0% 33% 67% 100%
Senior Management 0% 71% 29% 100%
Middle Management 1% 88% 11% 100%
Coordinators 2% 88% 10% 100%
Specialists 7% 83% 10% 100%
Technicians/Supervisors 20% 70% 9% 100%
Administrative 37% 59% 5% 100%
Operational 22% 66% 12% 100%
Trainees 97% 3% 0% 100%
Total by age 23% 67% 11% 100%
¹ Including the positions of president, director, head and vice president.
Note: regarding the percentage by age, in 2023, 67% of Bracell employees are between 30 and 50 years old; 23% are under 30 years old and 11% are over 50 years old.


Employees by region and gender

Operation 2021 2022 2023
Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
São Paulo 2.592 523 3.115 3.412 715 4.127 4.501 986 5.487
Bahia 1.235 356 1.591 1.342 436 1.778 1.434 470 1.904
Total 3.827 879 4.706 4.754 1.151 5.905 5.935 1.456 7.391

Note: The total number of employees in 2022 differs from the result published in the 2022 Sustainability Report because it does not take into account data on own employees of the Mato Grosso do Sul operations (total of 392 own employees, 310 men and 82 women). In 2023, the Mato Grosso do Sul operations became part of the MS Florestal company, part of the RGE group, so they ceased to be part of Bracell’s operations in 2023.

Employees by region and gender (%)

Operation 2021 2022 2023
Men Women Men Women Men Women
São Paulo 83% 17% 83% 17% 82% 18%
Bahia 78% 22% 75% 25% 75% 25%
Total 81% 19% 81% 19% 80% 20%


GRI 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men

In regards to salary equity, Bracell considers the sope and activities of each position as a basis, without gender discrimination. For reasons of confidentiality, the Company does not disclose salaries or the relationship between salaries of its employees.

GRI 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

The Company registered no cases of discrimination.

GRI 408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor

In the assessment of suppliers’ respect for and guarantee of human rights, compliance with applicable legislation (labor legislation, individual rights and guarantees and the Statute of the Child and Adolescent) is analyzed. In industrial and forestry operations, on-site checks and document analysis are carried out to verify that activities comply with the relevant legislation. In forestry operations, specifically, audits are carried out at the operation itself as a measure to monitor and mitigate social risks and ensure that labor legislation is complied with and that the human rights of employees and third parties working in these operations are guaranteed. A schedule of internal and external audits is carried out annually to analyze the compliance of operations.

GRI 409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor

In the assessment of suppliers’ respect for and guarantee of human rights, compliance with applicable legislation (labor legislation, individual rights and guarantees and the Statute of the Child and Adolescent) is analyzed. In industrial and forestry operations, on-site checks and document analysis are carried out to verify that activities comply with the relevant legislation. In forestry operations, specifically, audits are carried out at the operation itself as a measure to monitor and mitigate social risks and ensure that labor legislation is complied with and that the human rights of employees and third parties working in these operations are guaranteed. A schedule of internal and external audits is carried out annually to analyze the compliance of operations.

GRI 414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria

Social criteria are addressed in our supplier contracts. Contractual documents are stored in Bracell’s Contract Management System and we review the documentation required by law for contractors. We also use the system to monitor compliance with requirements under contractors’ collective bargaining agreements. This applies to all suppliers, including new suppliers. Read more in GRI 3-3 Management of the material topic Supplier social and environmental assessment.

GRI 414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

Bracell regularly monitors social risks involving suppliers and contractors. In 2023 we identified no social impacts within our operations. Read more in GRI 3-3 Management of the material topic Supplier social and environmental assessment.

RR-PP-430a.1 Percentage of wood fiber sourced (1) from third-party certified forestlands and percentage to each standard and (2) meeting other fiber sourcing standards and percentage to each standard

Our forestry operations adhere to the standards issued by the Brazilian Forestry Certification Program (CERFLOR/PEFC) to ensure our pulpwood management practices are environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially beneficial. Bracell’s CERFLOR/PEFC certification was successfully renewed in 2023. In addition, 100% of the pulpwood used in our production process is verified against certification standards, with 30% derived from controlled wood sources and 70% from certified land directly managed by Bracell. In 2023, our São Paulo and Bahia mills sourced pulpwood from 85 suppliers. Of these, 100% were audited by the Bracell team. Bracell does not source pulpwood from controversial sources.