Building a legacy for a

sustainable future

Colaboradora da Bracell

A Bracell

Welcome to Bracell, a Brazilian-based, world-leading producer of dissolving pulp and a member of the RGE group of companies —a conglomerate of world-class businesses in the resource-based manufacturing industry.

From our inaugural operations in Bahia, Northeastern Brazil, established in 2003, we have since expanded into São Paulo, in 2018. Our forestry operations are located in these two states as well as in Sergipe. Our operations in Brazil employ a workforce of 7,391 people.

2030 targets

Bracell 2030 is our long-term plan for sustainability anchored in 14 targets and commitments that are benchmark in the pulp industry in Brazil, focusing on climate, biodiversity, sustainable production, people and communities.

Ícone - Ação pelo Clima

Creating a climate positive operation towards a low-carbon economy

Ícone - Paisagens Sustentáveis e Biodiversidade

Building regenerative systems that favor nature, biodiversity and ecosystem services

Ícone - Promovendo Crescimento Sustentável

Growing our business through efficiency, circularity and responsible production

Ícone - Empoderando Vidas

Empowering our people and communities through transformative initiatives

The performance towards the targets will be disclosed at the 2024 to 2030 Sustainability Report.