RR-PP-110a.1: Gross global Scope 1 emissions
Bracell registered a 3% reduction in Scope 1 emissions which, in 2023, totaled 597,454 ton CO2e, explained by the reduction in stationary combustion and a revision in the waste category. In Scope 1, although our Stationary Combustion and Waste emissions decreased, we had an increase in the Fertilizer and Mobile Combustion categories due to forestry expansion.
RR-PP-110a.2: Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets.
In 2023, we announced a set of long-term targets as part of our Bracell 2030 roadmap, including:
- 75% reduction in carbon emissions per metric ton of product; and
- 25 MtCO2e removed from the atmosphere between 2020 and 2030.
Read more in GRI 3-3 Management of the material topic Climate change.