GRI GRI 2-23 Policy commitments

GRI 2-23 Policy commitments

Learn about our sustainability journey:


– RGE Pte Ltd., headquartered in Singapore, acquires operations in Camaçari and Alagoinhas, Bahia, and establishes Bahia Specialty Cellulose and Copener Florestal


– Bracell creates first materiality matrix following a survey of key stakeholders.


– Bracell reviews its Sustainability Policy with support from independent consultants and a new stakeholder survey, which informed a reformulated materiality matrix.

– Bracell completes acquisition of the Lençóis Paulista (SP) operation and launches Project Star, building two new flexible lines to produce kraft and dissolving pulp.


– Bracell launches a rebranding effort.

– The Company updates its Sustainability Policy spanning all operations.

– Bracell conducts a stakeholder survey and engagement activities in Bahia to identify social and environmental risks and opportunities.

– New Sustainability Committees introduced.


– Bracell develops a Sustainability Vision and Strategy based on stakeholder consultations, desktop reviews and industry benchmarking research.

– We subscribe to the UN Global Compact and commit to annually reporting on progress on social and environmental initiatives aligning with the Ten Universal Principles.

– Bracell conducts a participatory social and economic assessment in 16 priority municipalities in São Paulo State.


– We join the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), a not-for-profit civil association that promotes sustainable development through advocacy in government and civil society. It represents Brazil at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

– Bracell launches its Sustainability Vision and Strategy and a roadmap of key projects.

– Renewable generation facilities start operation in São Paulo and receive approval for commercial operation, injecting between 150 MW and 180 MW into the National Grid.


– Bracell launches an updated materiality matrix, informed by a survey of internal and external stakeholders.

– Bracell publishes its Sustainability Report and Disclosures Hub, in accordance with the 2021 GRI Standards and independently assured¹.

– Bracell launches One-For-One Commitment to conserve biodiversity.

– Bracell announces targets in support of the Brazilian Business Commitment to Biodiversity (CEBDS) and joins two CEBDS-led initiatives: the Action for Nature Platform and the Net Zero Movement².

– Bracell reviews and prioritizes its Sustainability Strategy targets to cover material topics from the perspective of ESG rating agencies, sustainability indices and internal and external stakeholders.


– Bracell launches Bracell 2030.

– The Company updates its Sustainability Policy.

– Bracell publishes Human Rights, Pulpwood and Fiber Sourcing, and Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery Policies.

– The first independent audit reports are published on Bracell’s One-For-One Commitment and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions inventory for the period 2022.

– Bracell receives International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-RECs) as proof that the electricity sold from its on-site generation facilities in Lençóis Paulista (SP) is renewably sourced.

– Bracell joins the UN’s SDG Ambition Accelerator program, which supports companies participating in the UN Global Compact in setting ambitious targets supporting the SDGs within their core business strategies.

– Bracell joins Rede Mulher Florestal (“Women in Forestry Network”), a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan organization created to foster discussion about gender equity in the forestry sector, and is named vice president of the Network.

¹ Bracell has published sustainability reports since 2010. Since 2011, our reports have been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). From 2010 to 2017, our sustainability reports covered our Bahia operations only. Since 2018, they have also included our operations in São Paulo. Reports have been third-party audited since 2019. Our Disclosures Hub was published for the first time in 2021 and is updated annually. Our current and previous sustainability reports are available here.

² The Action for Nature Platform is a program aimed at assessing, protecting and managing participating companies’ dependence and impacts on biodiversity through collective implementation of new international frameworks, targets and legislation. The Net Zero Movement aims to turn corporate net-zero targets into reality by providing practical support in implementing decarbonization initiatives.