GRI GRI 2-24 Embedding policy commitments

GRI 2-24 Embedding policy commitments

How we put our commitments into practice

Bracell’s governance and risk management practices, KPIs and efforts for continuous improvement align with applicable laws, regulations and policies.

All applicable policies, protocols, regulations and standards are embedded in internal procedures outlining processes and guidelines on managing social, environmental and governance issues. These documents are controlled via an Integrated Management System (IMS) that all employees are familiar with.

Besides implementing operations management practices that conform to certification requirements, regulatory standards, and applicable laws and regulations, we are working toward a set of ambitious targets as part of our sustainability vision, Bracell 2030. These targets have been set and are tracked by Bracell leadership team and are regularly reported on to the company Sustainability Steering Committee.

All leaders, employees, contractors and suppliers are required to comply with these standards. To ensure these requirements and targets are effectively met, Bracell provides regular training and consistently monitors and assesses performance against requirements.

Each year we provide training on anti-corruption guidelines, consistent with the Bracell Code of Conduct, as part of our annual training program. In addition, all newly hired employees receive a copy of the Code of Conduct during induction. They also receive training on integrity, anti-bribery and anti-corruption.

Other initiatives include the following:

  • All members of the senior leadership team attend regular training on ethics and integrity, including training on the Code of Conduct;
  • All employees are trained and informed about Bracell’s values, commitments and policies. They also attend training on department-specific technical and operational procedures, following a role-specific training matrix as part of Bracell’s Integrated Management System (IMS).
  • Employees in senior positions or who are responsible for conducting business partner due diligence receive additional, personalized training on RGE’s Business Partner due diligence process;
  • Bracell’s internal standards and commitments are also extended to suppliers and contractors. Compliance with these standards is assessed during screening (suppliers are required to provide documentation and certificates appropriate to their scope of work), onboarding and as part of contract management.
  • All Bracell suppliers receive copies of our Procurement Code of Conduct and undergo due diligence and a review of documentation and evidence demonstrating compliance with local, national and international laws and regulations, certification requirements, technical standards and regulatory standards.

Learn more about training and capacity building at Bracell in GRI 404.

Learn more about RGE Sustainability Policy and Bracell Sustainability Policy.

Social and environmental management

Our Sustainability Policy sets out the environmental, social and governance commitments we have undertaken in our enterprise-wide operations, processes and activities, including in our relationships with stakeholders. To ensure the Policy is kept up to date, we invest time and resources in continuous improvement and implementing best practices. We seek to align our business with ESG (environmental, social and governance) practices, which we recognize as being a critical component of our strategy and business agenda.

Our sustainability management practices align with RGE’s Sustainability Policy, which was last updated in January 2024.

Our Sustainability Policy, last updated in 2024, outlines standards on the following topics:

> Sustainability Governance;

> Human Rights;

> Labor Practices and Decent Work;

> Environment and Sustainable Forestry;

> Compliance with Laws and Regulations;

> Identifying and Monitoring Potential Impacts; and

> Supplier Social and Environmental Management.



Our corporate strategy and governance also draw guidance from the following principles:

> International Bill of Human Rights;

> UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;

> International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work;

> United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;

> Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact;

> UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs);

> The Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability set by the International Finance Corporation (IFC)—the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries;

Laws and regulations applicable to Bracell’s operations.

In addition, as signatories of the Global Compact we annually report on progress and results on topics linked to the Universal Principles. Read Bracell’s Communication on Progress (COP) here.

ESG Seals

In 2023, Bracell garnered important accolades for its sustainability performance:

Nordic Swan and EU Ecolabel: awarded to our São Paulo operations, these labels denote products meeting rigorous environmental performance requirements set by the European Union, including reduced environmental impact throughout the product lifecycle. This label has been awarded specifically to Bracell’s eucalyptus Kraft pulp.

Reporting Matters: Bracell was awarded the 2023 Reporting Matters Mark by the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS). Our Annual Sustainability Report was awarded a quality score of 65%. Bracell received recognition in two categories: External Verification, which attests that the disclosures in the report are reliable and verifiable by consultants outside our offices; and Alignment, indicating that disclosures are closely linked to our business and are clearly communicated to stakeholders.