GRI GRI 3-3 Management of the material topic Waste

GRI 3-3 Management of the material topic Waste

Waste management is a material topic for Bracell’s sustainability management, encompassing circular aluminum, reducing waste generation and minimizing landfilling.

In 2023, Bracell announced its set of long-term sustainability targets and commitments titled “Bracell 2030”, which includes specific Delivering Sustainable Growth targets:

90% reduction in industrial solid waste sent to landfills per ton of product;

97% chemical  recovery in  our operations

Bracell’s approach to waste management is based on three circular bioeconomy principles:

  • Reduce waste generated in the process;
  • Re-utilize materials whenever possible; and
  • Recycle waste in partnership with third parties where waste reduction or reuse is not possible.

Our Waste Management Policy aligns with the Brazilian National Waste Management Policy (PNRS). We ensure compliance at all times with our Environmental Policy and Waste Management Plan (PGRS). Waste is among the KPIs that is tracked within our Integrated Management System and reported to employees throughout the year so they can keep up to date on our performance.