GRI Bracell Social

Bracell Social

Through Bracell Social, our social investment platform, we support enabling projects in local communities that connect social inclusion with environmental sustainability.

Bracell Social reflects our commitment to carry out our activities in harmony with neighboring communities, respecting their habits, customs and traditions, and building relationships based on mutual trust.

Through Bracell Social, we develop enabling projects in the areas of education, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement:

  • Education: Bracell sees education as the cornerstone for societal development. Our efforts make a substantial contribution to improving educational practices in public schools, through programs and initiatives that engage both children and adults across various locations. These programs also teach environmental civics, develop leadership skills, and support the professional development of adolescents and young adults, further underscoring our belief in the transformational role of education.
  • Empowerment: Bracell works to strengthen production collectives and social enterprises through training initiatives focused on leadership, empowerment, and creating employment and income opportunities. This is achieved through a range of initiatives to develop and strengthen productive activities, including investment in training and technical assistance, leadership development, cooperative organization, and equal access to social participation mechanisms through calls for projects and public-private partnerships.
  • Enhancement: we provide community residents with free leisure, health promotion, cultural and civics activities that foster well-being and civic engagement in the communities around our facilities.


2021 2022 2023
Education 4 7 11
Empowerment 18 8 10
Enhancement 4 16 18
Total 26 31 39


2021 2022 2023
Education 31,878 34,509 72,764
Empowerment 19,022 15,616 26,012
Enhancement 51,165 71,715 65,232
Total 102,065 121,840 164,008


2021 2022 2023
Education R$ 1,193,384.00 R$ 1,596,974.19  R$ 3,755,301.30
Empowerment R$ 1,872,795.11 R$ 1,818,182.57  R$ 2,712,761.37
Enhancement R$ 1,066,994.24 R$ 1,019,777.47  R$ 2,571,486.65
Total R$ 4,133,173.35 R$ 4,434,934.23  R$ 9,039,549.32

Stand-out projects in 2023


Education is the cornerstone for societal development. As such, it is a pillar of our organization and one of Bracell’s top priorities in social investments. Through programs benefiting children and adults in various locations, initiatives within this pillar have significantly contributed to improving educational practices in public schools, promoting environmental civics, and developing leadership, advocacy, and professional skills among adolescents and young adults.

  • Continuing Education: this program supports the professional development of public school teachers and principals, strengthening the Municipal Continuing Education Program. The program includes continuous training for teachers, teaching coordinators, school principals, and technical staff from the Departments of Education, social and political advocacy around municipal public education policies, and content production and organization. Since launching the program, participating municipalities in Bahia have shown improved learning outcomes. In 2023, we expanded the initiative to include three more municipalities, benefiting a total of 12 school districts. Click hereto learn more about the program.
  • Environmental Education Center: located at Fazenda Salgado in Inhambupe (BA), a Bracell forestry property, this center mainly hosts elementary school students and teachers from the region, offering refresher training workshops, games, lectures on environmental topics, and a guided tour of a one-kilometer ecological trail.
  • Ecomunidade: this initiative trains community members to work as eco-agents (environmental facilitators) in their communities, with a particular focus on proper waste disposal and shared responsibility for environmental preservation. Activities include training sessions, environmental contests, and recycling workshops. In addition, we support social and environmental projects through eco-agents within their communities.
  • LideraJovem Institute: Bracell is one of the sponsors of this institute, a civil society organization that helps youth in and around Lençóis Paulista, SP to develop life plans and strengthen their leadership skills, preparing them for the job market and the broader challenges of life. It also trains adult facilitators in active methodologies to work with youth.
  • Youth Conference: in partnership with the local government, Bracell brought the first edition of the Youth Conference to Macatuba (SP). The event, which has been held for over 15 years in Lençóis Paulista (SP), benefited 206 youth aged 13 to 18 in Macatuba (SP) this year. Over two days of activities, participants were encouraged to exercise critical thinking, develop solutions to everyday challenges, and discuss issues such as empowerment, drug awareness and prevention, bullying, violence in its many forms, and school dropout problems. The conference also provided an opportunity for participants to make decisions supporting their growth, well-being, and prosperity. Students from the three state schools in the municipality were invited to participate and had the opportunity to hear lectures on important topics for improving their present and future prospects.
  • Active Dropout Search: in 2023, Bracell began supporting the Active Dropout Search program, a joint initiative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the National Union of Municipal Education Directors (UNDIME). The goal is to strategically assist governments in identifying, documenting, following up on, and supporting children and adolescents who are out of school or at risk of dropping out. Bracell has provided technical assistance to the state government of Bahia, particularly benefiting four municipalities within the company’s area of influence: Feira de Santana, Rio Real, Esplanada, and Amália Rodrigues.
  • “Discoveries” Visiting Program: our “Discoveries” Visiting Program aims to broaden students’ perspectives beyond the classroom. It offers students the opportunity to be exposed to different technologies, interact with professionals in different fields, learn about Bracell initiatives that contribute to the economic growth of the regions where we operate and positively impact sustainability issues such as climate action, nature conservation, and community development. In its first year, the program benefited 651 people, welcoming 9th-grade students from 17 public and private schools in the municipalities of Lençóis Paulista, Macatuba, and Borebi, in São Paulo.
  • Leitura Viva: launched in 2023, this program provides ongoing training for teachers, better preparing them to teach children’s literature. The program also distributes literature kits with age-appropriate books for students and a notebook for annotations.
  • Facilitator Training: using the Socratic method, this program trains professionals from various fields to promote youth empowerment.
  • Professional training: Bracell offers professional training courses in partnership with the National Industrial Training Service (SENAI) in São Paulo. With a focus on workforce inclusion, we analyze economic indicators in the municipalities where we operate to determine the qualifications highest in demand in each region. The project uses mobile schools equipped with touring technological laboratories.
  • Hardware Project: Bracell supports Legião Mirim de Lençóis Paulista (SP), offering opportunities for teenage students to participate in free semi-professional courses.




Positive impact

Affected stakeholders

Continuing Education Bahia Acajutiba





Cardeal da Silva

Entre Rios





Santo Amaro


12 municipalities in total

310 municipal public schools benefited

*Three municipalities joined the project in the 2nd semester of 2023 (Ouriçangas, Jandaíra, Cachoeira).

Contribution to improving education and school management practices:


11 municipalities with 100% of technical action plans for Education Departments developed in 2023 (1)

12 municipalities with 100% of Annual Teaching Plans for Early Childhood Education developed (2)

4 municipalities with 100% of Annual Teaching Plans for Elementary Education I developed

208 hours of continued training for technical teams at Education Departments

192 hours of continued training for school principals


208 hours of continued training for teaching coordinators

688 hours of continued training for Elementary Education I (early years) teachers

336 hours of continued training for Early Childhood Education teachers

22 meetings with students’ families, totaling 66 hours, to develop collaborative learning strategies


310 municipal schools reached by the program

24,532 students benefited

2,152 teachers and staff benefited

1,734 participants in live sessions organized by the program

372 student family members reached

Environmental Education Center (NEA) Bahia Acajutiba Alagoinhas
Entre RiosAramari Inhambupe Catu Esplanada ItanagraAporáConde10 municipalities in total
133 visits

105 schools involved

16 communities reached

4,366 people—including students, educators, and community members—engaged with content on spring and disturbed-land rehabilitation, waste management, waste reuse, environmental crime prevention, biodiversity conservation, and debunking myths about eucalyptus

4,515 people reached through program activities, including visitors to the Environmental Education Center and participants in the environmental-themed drawing contest
Ecomunidade Bahia Alagoinhas


Entre Rios


Santo Amaro

São Sebastião do Passé


6 municipalities in total

123 meetings and activities conducted throughout the year

16 communities engaged in social and environmental initiatives (an eco-park and eco-point for recyclable waste collection, community kitchen gardens, production and sale of ecological soap, production of crafts from reused materials, etc)

900 seedlings produced by eco-agents

342 seedlings planted for spring area rehabilitation in communities

166 eco-agents involved in project activities


1,345 participants reached by eco-agent activities in their communities

Active Dropout Search Bahia Feira de Santana

Rio Real


Amélia Rodrigues


4 municipalities in total

This partnership was launched in November 2023 and results have yet to be measured Municipal school students in the 4 participating municipalities

Professionals from child and adolescent care networks participating in the program

Discoveries Visiting Program São Paulo Lençóis Paulista



The Discoveries Visiting Program was launched in 2023 as a pilot initiative.  The goal of the program is to broaden students’ perspectives beyond the classroom 651 people and visiting 9th grade students

17 participating public and private schools

Facilitator Training São Paulo Pirajuí Pederneiras Itatinga



Cabrália Paulista Agudos

Álvaro de Carvalho


Botucatu Duartina Macatuba Oriente Paulistânia Lençóis Paulista Piratininga

Presidente Alves


17 municipalities in total

Training for adults, primarily municipal civil servants from the local APAE (Association of Parents and Friends of the Disabled), CRAS (Social Assistance Referral Center), CREAS (Specialized Social Assistance Reference Center), child protection services, health departments, and social assistance departments, who work directly with children and adolescents aged 12 to 18 12 classes

23 training hours per class

Professional training São Paulo Bauru


Júlio Mesquita Cafelândia Iacanga



6 municipalities in total

80 hours of training for each participating municipality

480 training hours

14 classes trained

167 people trained

Hardware Program São Paulo Lençóis Paulista Run by Legião Mirim in Lençóis Paulista, the Hardware Program provides students with access to free semi-professional courses, offering enhanced training and personal and professional development opportunities to prepare them for their first jobs as apprentices. The program helps to strengthen family and community bonds and support student retention through activities that promote social interaction, civics, and overall preparation for the job market 20 students benefited

144 training hours

Leitura Viva São Paulo Lençóis Paulista Macatuba The Leitura Viva program was officially launched as part of our sponsorship of the Lençóis Paulista Integrated Literature Festival (FILLP) held from November 5 to 12. FILLP was organized by the Ministry of Culture with funds under the Culture Incentive Act (Rouanet Act) and from the National Culture Fund (Rouanet Act)

As part of the event, we created a Leitura Viva (“Living Reading”) space featuring book launches, reading circles, and other activities

Concurrently, we ran a “Pass a Book” campaign in partnership with the Brazilian Tree Institute (IBÁ). The campaign encouraged reading habits and a circular-economy culture by encouraging participants to donate already-read books

The event brought together over 21,000 people, including more than 8,000 children and adolescents from schools in Lençóis Paulista and the surrounding area

A total of 30,086 people were reached across all program activities and initiatives

(1) Technical action plans outline annual goals and priorities for municipal education, coordinating the roles of technical supervisors and education directors in developing the curriculum for public schools.

(2) Annual teaching plans provide an overall teaching outline covering teaching goals, time management, content presentation, class organization, and the evaluation process.


Bracell Social’s Empowerment projects support individual and collective autonomy by creating new sources of income in communities. This is achieved through investment in training and technical assistance, leadership development, promotion of cooperativism, and equal access to social participation mechanisms through calls for projects and public-private partnerships.

  • Connection: launched in 2021, this project helps social organizations develop management competencies to help them become sustainable, focusing on mobilizing and optimizing financial and human resources, thus strengthening civil society organizations. This initiative also fosters knowledge sharing across organizations in some regions of São Paulo, supporting the development of a collaborative network of local NGOs.
  • Nós do Campo: a program to support family farming with activities that foster food security, job creation, income, and stronger networks. In Bahia, the focus of the program was on disseminating agroecology techniques to contribute to healthy nutrition and higher income from the sale of surplus produce. The program invests in the establishment and maintenance of agroforestry systems comprising various food species intercropped with eucalyptus, and provides workshops on financial management and strategies for produce distribution and marketing. In São Paulo, farmers received training through workshops on property management, crop planning, and techniques for growing fruits and vegetables. Workshops helped to develop entrepreneurial skills, teaching farmers how to manage their finances, understand markets and customers, plan production, control finances, market their produce, and develop a strategic vision.
  • Pollinators: a partnership between Bracell and beekeepers’ associations in the regions where the company operates in Bahia and São Paulo. This program supports beekeeping as an alternative profitable use of eucalyptus plantations. Bracell authorizes accredited beekeepers to install and manage beehives in our forestry operations, using eucalyptus blooms and native vegetation to produce honey and other bee products.

In 2023, our Pollinators project was presented with the Sustainable Industry Award from the Bahia State Industry Federation (FIEB).

  • Impactful Business: this program provides technical and operational support to productive associations and/or groups in the Northern Coast and Agreste regions of Bahia, helping to build the institutional and entrepreneurial capabilities of organizations and their leaders and improving access to government programs that can help strengthen their business. The program supports and enables actions to improve processes, products, and market access. Some of the stand-out projects within the program include:
    • Uniform Factory: located at Fazenda Salgado, a Bracell property in Inhambupe (BA), the Uniform Factory is a cooperative of industrial seamstresses residing in communities within the company’s area of influence. Besides physical infrastructure and equipment, Bracell offers technical and management support to Cooperativa de Trabalho das Costureiras de Inhambupe e Região (Coopecir), which currently manages and operates the Uniform Factory.
    • Cookie Factory: a project creating income opportunities in the quilombola communities of Mato Limpo (Araçás) and Mandacaru (Inhambupe) and in the Prata neighborhood of Entre Rios. In Mato Limpo and Mandacaru, the Delícias do Mato Limpo group produces an assortment of cookies and cracknels, while in Prata, the Delícias da Prata group produces jams and preserves.
    • Honey Products: this project provides participants with a source of income from the production and marketing of bee products, including propolis, pollen, and honey cookies. The initiative supports Associação de Jovens Remanescentes de Quilombo (AJARQUIBA), a quilombola youth association in Esplanada, providing training and technical assistance via the Pollinators program and additional support from the Impactful Business program for product formalization (labeling, barcodes, nutritional composition), certification and marketing.
    • Green Pharmacy: this project aims to empower women, promote social entrepreneurship, and create income opportunities through training and capacity building on medicinal and aromatic plants and their value chain, as well as business management support. The Cangula community in Alagoinhas (Bahia) is notable for producing handmade soaps, bath salts, foot soaks, and other products. In 2023, the group developed a project funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP Brazil) and the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, allocating R$ 250,000 to build a facility for processing raw materials and products and establish a medicinal herb garden.
  • Women Farmers: this project supports the individual and collective empowerment of women in the Recôncavo Baiano region through technical and management training and social business ventures providing new sources of income, such as bioponics and hydroponics systems, collective chicken coops, and community kitchens.
  • Ponteira Sustentável (Sustainable Leftovers): this project benefits associations and cooperatives by donating eucalyptus waste left over from harvesting, which is used as an additional source of income and funds for those living in these communities.
  • Dona Della: this project promotes women’s financial independence and entrepreneurship by supporting women-owned businesses in São Paulo seeking assistance to develop their business.

Project (Bahia)


Positive impact

Stakeholders impacted

Impactful Business (FNI) Alagoinhas



Entre Rios





R$ 288,778.10 in income generated by eight special productive groups through the sale of their produce

R$ 270,000.00 in income generated by the quilombola community of Mato Limpo (Araçás) from egg sales to public schools via the Brazilian Food Supply Corporation (CONAB) and the Food Procurement Program (PAA)/National School Nutrition Program (PNAE)

Quilombola Family Farming Label awarded to products from the Ajarquiba (Esplanada) and Delícias do Mato Limpo (Araçás) quilombola groups

Secured a sanitary and operational permit for a production facility operated by the Delícias do Mato Limpo group (Araçás)

Secured registration with the National Family Farming Register (CAF Jurídica) for the Delícias do Mato Limpo (Araçás) and Ajarquiba (Esplanada) groups

Five groups are selling products at Expofavela Bahia, a state trade fair organized by Central Única das Favelas (CUFA) in Lauro de Freitas

Five groups are selling products at the 14th Bahia Family Farming and Social Economy Fair, organized by the Government of the State of Bahia in Salvador. The Ajarquiba Association (Esplanada) was selected to manage the Bahia North Coast and Agreste Produce Outlet at the Fair

Number of training hours: 896

18 associations and production groups from the North Coast and Agreste regions of Bahia were assisted with tax and accounting services

Eight groups benefited from assistance in formalizing sales of their produce

175 members of special production groups directly reached, of which 120 are women




Entre Rios



753 queen bees distributed to beekeepers to support increased productivity

80 hives georeferenced in Bracell-owned native forest areas

Developed and promoted a Bahia North Coast and Agreste Beekeeping Calendar, an educational guide on beekeeping practices


188 hours of technical assistance provided to small-scale beekeeping producers

68 hours of theoretical and hands-on training on topics such as queen bee rearing, propolis production, and mead production

947 people reached through training activities, including beekeepers and interested parties

81 beekeepers registered in communities within Bracell’s areas of influence


Women Farmers

Santo Amaro

São Sebastião do Passé

Nine communities benefited by new social income-generating technologies (bioponics and hydroponics; collective chicken coops and community kitchens)

323 hours of training

Start of production and produce sales, including at the 8th São Sebastião do Passé Family Farming and Social Economy Fair

1,733 people reached directly and indirectly through project activities

59 women engaged in business development training and initiatives

9 associations and/or collectives supported in the Recôncavo region of Bahia


Nós do Campo

Alagoinhas Cardeal da Silva

Conde Entre Rios Esplanada

Itanagra Mata de São João

Rio Real

8 municipalities in total

12 communities reached


412 hours of training for small farmers and students

Five new Agroforestry Systems (AFS) implemented in 2023, totaling 15 systems set up since project launch

Held two editions of the Bracell Social Agroecological Fair, for marketing AFS produce


Partnership established with educational institutions, such as the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Bahia, in Alagoinhas, to create opportunities to share experience and collaborate with academia

419 farmers reached

9 teachers from the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Bahia (Alagoinhas)

188 students from the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Bahia (Alagoinhas)


12 communities reached

8 municipalities reached

Ponteira Sustentável (Sustainable Leftovers) Alagoinhas



Cardeal da Silva



Entre Rios






Rio Real

Sátiro Dias


14 municipalities in total

R$ 20,706.48 in income generated by project initiatives

Created a Mixed Cooperative of Rural Workers and Farmers in the North Coast and Agreste of Bahia (COOPNORTE/BA), supporting the economic autonomy of communities and improving wood waste collection workflows on Company properties

R$ 13,969,275.25 in income generated by the project

7,988 individuals directly and indirectly reached

65 communities engaged

14 municipalities reached



Projects (São Paulo)


Positive impact

Affected Stakeholders

Nós do Campo Borebi





4 municipalities in total

128 technical visits

8 Participatory Rural Assessment meetings

Training course in management and entrepreneurship for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

10 Agroforestry Systems implemented

R$ 12,000 in income at the Bracell Social Collective Fair

477 people impacted: 112 direct beneficiaries (family farmers)

7 settlements

Pollinators Botucatu

Cabrália Paulista






Lençóis Paulista


9 municipalities in total

4,000 production units installed in company-owned forest areas

Over 9,000 metric tons of honey produced

51 beekeepers benefited


169 indirect beneficiaries (beekeepers’ families)


8 associations





Barra Bonita




Lençóis Paulista




10 municipalities in total

Organizational capacity building, management improvement, and fundraising. Hybrid training (online and in-person) covering topics such as: Social Project Development, Strategic Planning, Financial Management, and Legal Matters


Training hours: 342

97 managers trained, representing 25 civil society organizations

469 organization managers indirectly affected

Dona Della Acute




Presidente Alves


6 municipalities in total

R$ 3,800 in income generated in the first edition of Dona Della, during the “Bracell Social Collective Fair”


200 women met the project’s criteria for eligibility to participate.

200 women benefited

The training, mentoring, and business acceleration program will run in 2024



Developed to promote well-being and civic engagement in local communities, the well-being pillar provides residents with free leisure, culture, health promotion, and citizenship activities.

  • Mais Cidadania: this project aims to improve access to healthcare, well-being, and citizen services in partnership with municipal agencies in areas where Bracell operates. The project organizes social events offering free services such as vaccinations, rapid tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), legal advice, guidance on accessing government social programs, and game-based activities for children.
  • Bracell Alic Digital Arts Circuit: in partnership with Associação Lençoense de Incentivo à Cultura (ALIC), Bracell has sponsored this project since 2021 to bring entertainment and culture to communities in Lençóis Paulista through a program of cultural activities at the Adélia Lorenzetti Municipal Theater.
  • Rec: Bracell’s first cultural initiative in Bahia, this project aims to strengthen cultural movements and expression in the Recôncavo Baiano region, engaging youth in Santo Amaro and São Sebastião do Passé in collaborative activities to preserve the local culture. Launched in July 2021, the project includes training on developing, managing and implementing cultural projects, along with funding for artistic and cultural interventions in the region.
  • Volunteer Program: The Bracell Volunteer Program—Mãos Dadas (“Helping Hands”)—engages employees in activities and campaigns that benefit local communities. This includes initiatives like our Founder’s Day campaign, which encourages employees across RGE Group companies to dedicate time to volunteer efforts.
  • Ação Cidadania Contra a Fome a Miséria: a non-profit charity in Lençóis Paulista, SP, with 30 years of service to the community. Activities in 2023 were supported by Bracell.
  • Lençóis Paulista Basketball Association (Project Alba): this Bracell-supported project provides socialization opportunities for youth aged 7 to 18 through sports. Activities foster teamwork, skill development, respect and civics, working with schools and families to build a better future society. Bracell supported Project Alba in 2023.
  • Congregação das Irmãzinhas dos Anciãos Desamparados (Our Lady of the Forsaken Elderly Home): this home runs a Social Protection Program with high-complexity social protection services. This charity’s activities in 2023 were supported by Bracell.
  • Associação Amorada (Casa Abrigo Morada): the first and only shelter service for children and adolescents in Lençóis Paulista, SP. Association activities in 2023 were supported by Bracell.
  • Casa de Apoio Projeto Esperança (Casa CAPE): this shelter offers housing and therapeutic community services, providing subsidized accommodation for men aged 18 to 60 who are abandoned, vulnerable, and at social risk, with broken or weakened family ties, and transitioning from street life. CAPE activities in 2023 were supported by Bracell.
  • Associação dos Amigos do Voleibol de Lençóis Paulista (Projeto Sempre Vôlei): this nonprofit organization offers guided recreational activities and professional training, primarily for youth. Activities help to develop skills, civics, teamwork, and behavioral attributes. Projeto Sempre Vôlei was supported by Bracell in 2023.
  • Associação Rural de Lençóis Paulista (Projeto Equoterapia): this charity offers complementarity therapy resources, especially for individuals with disabilities or special needs. It uses an interdisciplinary approach spanning health, education, and hippotherapy (therapeutic contact with horses) to promote biopsychosocial development, with horses as an agent providing physical and psychological benefits. Projeto Equoterapia was supported by Bracell in 2023.
  • Associação dos Amigos Excepcionais de Lençóis Paulista (APAE): this organization develops and coordinates initiatives spanning human rights advocacy, prevention, counseling, services, and family support, all aimed at improving quality of life for people with disabilities and building a just and supportive society. APAE activities in 2023 were supported by Bracell.
  • Irmandade da Santa Casa de Macatuba (Hospital Santa Casa): this nonprofit private institution operates a small general hospital serving the local community in various medical and surgical specialties. Hospital Santa Casa was supported by Bracell in 2023.
  • Fundação Amaral Carvalho (Hospital Amaral Carvalho): a referral center for cancer treatment for patients in São Paulo State through the National Healthcare System (SUS). The hospital offers compassionate and professional care including accommodation, food, transportation, and multidisciplinary home-based care for patients and their families. Hospital Amaral Carvalho was supported by Bracell in 2023.
  • Associação Protetora Amigos dos Animais: this association provides animal sterilization to prevent abandonment, mistreatment, and animal suffering. Additionally, it provides food and shelter for abandoned pets. Association activities in 2023 were supported by Bracell.
  • Hospital Nossa Senhora da Piedade: this civil and philanthropic organization is recognized as a public utility at the federal, state, and municipal levels. Over its 78-year history, it has maintained a commitment to providing compassionate care to patients, regardless of social class or economic status. It currently operates within the National Healthcare System (SUS), to which it provides most of its services. Hospital Nossa Senhora da Piedade received support from Bracell in 2023.

In São Paulo, Bracell provides financial support to projects developed by partner organizations. These include: Ação da Cidadania contra a Fome, a Miséria e pela Vida; Projeto ALBA by Associação Lençoense de Basquetebol; Congregação das Irmãzinhas dos Anciãos Desamparados; Projeto Equoterapia by Associação Rural de Lençóis Paulista; Projeto Sempre Vôlei by Associação dos Amigos do Voleibol de Lençóis Paulista; Associação Amorada (Casa Abrigo Morada); Casa de Apoio Projeto Esperança (Casa CAPE); Associação dos Amigos Excepcionais de Lençóis Paulista (APAE); Irmandade da Santa Casa de Macatuba; Fundação Amaral Carvalho; Associação Protetora Amigos dos Animais; Hospital Nossa Senhora da Piedade. In Bahia, initiatives within this pillar are conducted through our Mais Cidadania and Cultura.Rec projects and Volunteering Program.




Positive impact

Affected stakeholders

Mais Cidadania Bahia Inhambupe

Entre Rios







Dias D’Ávila


São Sebastião,

Cardeal da Silva



13 municipalities

12 social fairs organized, offering wellness services (haircuts, eyebrow grooming, massage therapy), children’s activities, health services (rapid testing for sexually transmitted diseases, vaccinations, appointments in the National Healthcare System), and social services (registration for federal government programs), in partnership with municipal governments

Organized the 4 Miles Run + Color Walk – Bracell Social Circuit, in Alagoinhas. Approximately 1,000 participants, including Bracell employees, their families, and community members, joined the health and sports advocacy event, which also provided free services such as vaccination, rapid testing for sexually transmitted diseases, massage therapy, children’s recreation, and live music

Collected 1,800 kg of food through run registrations, which were delivered to charities as part of the Founder’s Day 2023 campaign (described below)

10,012 people reached through social fairs


1,000 people reached by the running event, including 600 competitors and 400 individuals who benefited from other services offered at the event

Mais Cidadania São Paulo Julio Mesquita





4 municipalities in total

Provided services such as bioimpedance testing, nutritional advice, haircuts, eyebrow grooming, barbering, massage, games for children, and resume preparation and submission

SESI’s mobile school (trailer) participated with reading sessions for children, and SEBRAE partnered to offer activities geared toward small businesses

Over 5,700 people benefited from free services offered by the initiative
Cultura.REC Bahia Santo Amaro

São Sebastião do Passé


3 municipalities in total

Launched the 2nd Cultura.REC Call for Proposals

Approved the Maniçoba Poética project, submitted by a young participant from Santo Amaro in the first cycle of Cultura.  REC, as part of the call for proposals for “Artistic Dialogues” marking the 200th anniversary of Bahia’s Independence, organized by the Bahia State Cultural Foundation (FUNCEB). The project toured the municipalities of Salvador, Cachoeira, Santo Amaro, and São Sebastião

Number of Meetings/Workshops: 35

Training hours: 431

The project reached a total of 201 young people across its two cycles, including capacity building activities and projects selected through the call for proposals

12,241 people reached, including attendees at events organized by young participants in their communities and viewers of the live broadcasts

Mãos Dadas São Paulo Lençóis Paulista Pederneiras



4 municipalities in total

3,463 volunteer employees More than 15 charities benefited

Over 3,800 people impacted by the initiative

Mãos Dadas Bahia São Sebastião do Passé Alagoinhas
Salvador AramariFeira de SantanaMata de São JoãoCamaçari Cardeal da Silva Dias D´Ávila9 municipalities in total
19 champions engaging employees across various Bracell departments in Bahia

1,277 volunteer employees engaged in initiatives throughout the year

2.28 metric tons of food donated

R$ 2,798.27 raised

827 children sponsored by volunteers in Easter and Christmas initiatives

7 charities and 14 communities benefited