GRI GRI 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts

GRI 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts

Bracell is a member of the RGE group of companies and, as a privately-held entity, our governance policies are aligned with RGE group standards and practices (learn more in GRI 2-9).

The Sustainability Steering Committee is responsible for developing and validating Bracell’s sustainability strategy.

In 2023, Bracell’s Sustainability Steering Committee team participated directly in developing the Bracell 2030 targets and baselines related to climate change, biodiversity and landscapes, environmental stewardship and women empowerment (learn more in GRI 2-22). The Sustainability Steering Committee additionally participates in formulating and validating Bracell’s materiality matrix (see Bracell’s Sustainability Journey in GRI 3-1).

The Sustainability Steering Committee also reviews the findings from all independent audits, annual assessments on compliance with certification standards such as Cerflor/PEFC, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, and six-monthly independent audits on compliance with IFC standards and the Equator Principles.

In addition, it follows up on the implementation of audit recommendations and measures to ensure compliance. The Sustainability Steering Committee actively participates in discussions and decision-making on strategic social and environmental issues to assess risks and opportunities (learn more in GRI 2-25).


Risk management

Bracell’s governance and risk management practices, KPIs and efforts for continuous improvement align with applicable laws, regulations and policies.

All applicable policies, protocols, regulations and standards are embedded in internal procedures outlining processes and guidelines on managing social, environmental and governance issues. These documents are controlled via an Integrated Management System (IMS) that all employees are familiar with.

Besides implementing operations management practices that conform to certification requirements, regulatory standards, and applicable laws and regulations, we are working toward a set of ambitious targets as part of our sustainability vision, Bracell 2030. These targets have been set and are tracked by Bracell’s senior leadership team and are regularly reported on to the Sustainability Steering Committee.

All leaders, employees, contractors and suppliers are required to comply with these standards. To ensure these requirements and targets are effectively met, Bracell provides regular training and consistently monitors and assesses performance against requirements.

Each year we provide training on anti-corruption guidelines, consistent with the Bracell Code of Conduct, as part of our annual training program. In addition, all newly hired employees receive a copy of the Code of Conduct during induction. They also receive training on integrity, anti-bribery and anti-corruption.

Other initiatives include the following:

  • All members of the senior leadership team attend regular training on ethics and integrity, including training on the Code of Conduct;
  • All employees are trained and informed about Bracell’s values, commitments and policies. They also attend training on department-specific technical and operational procedures, following a role-specific training matrix as part of Bracell’s Integrated Management System (IMS);
  • Employees in senior positions or who are responsible for conducting business partner due diligence receive additional, personalized training on RGE’s Business Partner due diligence process; and
  • Bracell’s internal standards and commitments are also extended to suppliers and contractors. Compliance with these standards is assessed during screening (suppliers are required to provide documentation and certificates appropriate to their scope of work), onboarding and as part of contract management. All Bracell suppliers receive copies of our Procurement Code of Conduct and undergo due diligence and a review of documentation and evidence demonstrating compliance with local, national and international laws and regulations, certification requirements, technical standards, regulatory standards and Bracell corporate policies.
  • Learn more about training and capacity building at Bracell in GRI 404-2.


The principles and standards governing our forestry and mill operations support our continued eligibility for certification to international standards. To retain certification, we conduct annual audits to verify compliance and implement ongoing improvements, overseen by Bracell’s senior leadership.

Bracell’s mill operations are certified to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. These certifications attest that our operations are compliant with the quality and environmental requirements stipulated by these standards, including those on identifying environmental aspects, impacts, and risks and implementing preventive and mitigation measures. They also ensure that all documented information relating to our operations is kept up to date and controlled, including procedures, policies, and other standards governing our day-to-day operations. Our mill operations also have chain-of-custody certification from the Brazilian Forest Certification Program (Cerflor/PEFC).

Bracell’s Bahia mill additionally has certification attesting that the pulp it produces is compliant with international requirements for food packaging. This certification, conferred by the Isega Institute in accordance with standards issued by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment and by the US tree Food and Drug Administration (FDA), underscores our commitment to quality and safety.

Our forestry operations are certified by Cerflor/PEFC for responsible pulpwood management practices that are environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially beneficial. In 2023, our São Paulo and Bahia forestry operations were recertified by Cerflor. Bracell’s forestry operations in Bahia additionally hold ISO 14001:2015 certification.

Our operations in Bahia are audited for Halal certification, providing assurance that our manufacturing process complies with Islamic ethics, moral, and legal standards; and for Kosher certification, providing assurance that our process quality control and safety comply with Jewish dietary laws.

In 2023, our Bahia logistics operations underwent a review by a US audit firm on anti-terrorism procedures, a requirement as part of the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), a voluntary supply-chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). This proactive initiative, the first of its kind at Bracell, addresses sabotage risks such as container contamination.


Operations in São Paulo

ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, Isega (which attests that the pulp we produce is compliant with international requirements on food packaging) and Cerflor/PEFC.

Operations in Bahia

ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, Cerflor/PEFC, C-TPAT, Halal, Kosher and Isega (which attests that the pulp we produce is compliant with international requirements on food packaging).