GRI 2-28 Membership associations
Bracell seeks to catalyze change in its industry by exercising thought leadership as a member of trade associations, boards, committees, forums and unions, including the Brazilian Forestry Association (IBÁ) and the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS).
In 2023 we participated in the SDG Ambition Accelerator program, which supports companies participating in the UN Global Compact in setting ambitious targets and integrating sustainable development goals into their business strategies, their broader supply chains and their stakeholder engagement practices. Bracell has also joined Rede Mulher Florestal, a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan organization created to foster discussion about gender equity in the forestry sector. Bracell became vice president of the organization in 2023.
The organizations of which we are members include:
- Bahia Association of Forest Estate Companies (ABAF)
- Brazilian Association for Standardization (ABNT)
- Brazilian Pulp and Paper Association (ABTCP)
- Brazilian Association of Port Terminals (ABTP)
- Brazilian Association of Bonded Terminals and Warehouses (ABTRA)
- Brazilian Power Sector Regulator (ANEEL)
- National Association of Freight Transportation Users (ANUT)
- CETESB Environmental Committee – Pulp and Paper
- Global Partners for the Future of our Forests (Camcore)
- North Recôncavo and Inhambupe Watershed Committees (CBHRNI)
- State Environment Board (CEPRAM)
- Wastewater Treatment Center (CETREL)
- São Paulo State Industry Center (CIESP Botucatu)
- Camaçari Industrial Development Committee (COFIC)
- Lençóis Watershed Management Committee
- State Board of Water Resources (CONERH)
- Esplanada (BA) Community Public Security Board
- Alagoinhas (BA) Environmental Board
- Entre Rios (BA) Environmental Board
- Esplanada (BA) Environmental Board
- Security Council, Camaçari Industrial Development Committee (COFIC), as a participating member
- Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS)¹
- Joanes-Ipitanga Protected Area Management Board
- Rio Batalha Protected Area Management Board
- North Coast Protected Area Management Board
- Northeast Public Security Council (CONSENE) as a guest member
- Bahia State Industry Federation (FIEB)
- São Paulo Association of Planted Forest Producers, Suppliers and Consumers (Florestar SP)
- Brazilian Forestry Association (IBÁ)
- Forestry Research Institute (IPEF)
- United Nations Global Compact
- Rede Mulher Florestal
- Forestry Research Society (SIF)
- Bahia State Union of Paper and Cardboard, Pulp and Cellulose Industries (SINDPACEL)
- Atlantic Forest Reserve Subcommittee
¹ Since 2021, Bracell has been a member of CEBDS, including its Technical Committees on Climate, Energy, Sustainable Finance, Biodiversity and Biotechnology, and Social Impact. CEBDS is a not-for-profit civil association that promotes sustainable development through advocacy in government and civil society. The organization represents the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Brazil.