GRI GRI 203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts

GRI 203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts

Bracell 2030’s Empowering Lives pillar establishes a set of targets aimed at building a social legacy for the future. To achieve these targets, we will:

  • Promoting women’s entrepreneurship in communities – at least 60% of “impact business” social projects supported by Bracell must be led by women
  • Promoting income generation for families and communities – increase the income of families that participate in Bracell’s income generation projects in priority areas by 20%
  • Promoting quality public education – increase proficiency in Portuguese and Mathematics by 30% in public schools supported by Bracell in areas with low learning rates

Bracell works to promote women’s entrepreneurship in the communities where it operates. By 2030, 60% of the high-impact business projects we support will be led by women.

Through Bracell Social and its three pillars, Education, Empowerment and Enhancement, our social investment platform, we support enabling projects in local communities

Bracell Social’s Empowerment project.ts support individual and collective autonomy by creating new sources of income in communities. This is achieved through investment in training and technical assistance, leadership development, promotion of cooperativism, and equal access to social participation mechanisms through calls for projects and public-private partnerships.  Below are some of the outcomes of Bracell’s most significant Empowerment projects.

Project (Bahia)


Positive impact

Stakeholders impacted

Impactful Business (FNI) Alagoinhas, Araçás, Aramari, Entre Rios, Inhambupe, Esplanada, Olindina and Pojuca (eight municipalities). R$ 288,778.10 in income generated by eight special productive groups through the sale of their products.

R$ 270,000.00 in income generated by the quilombola community of Mato Limpo (Araçás) from egg sales to public schools via the Brazilian Food Supply Corporation (CONAB).

Quilombola Family Farming Label awarded to products from the Ajarquiba (Esplanada) and Delícias de Mato Limpo (Araçás) quilombola groups.

Secured a sanitary and operational permit for a production facility operated by the Delícias do Mato Limpo group (Araçás).

Secured registration with the National Family Farming Register (CAF Jurídica) for the Delícias do Mato Limpo (Araçás) and Ajarquiba (Esplanada) groups.

Five groups are selling products at Expofavela Bahia, a state trade fair organized by Central Única das Favelas (CUFA) in Lauro de Freitas;

Five groups are selling products at the 14th Bahia Family Farming and Social Economy Fair, organized by the Government of the State of Bahia in Salvador. The Ajarquiba Association (Esplanada) was selected to manage the Bahia North Coast and Agreste Produce Outlet at the Fair.

Number of training hours: 896

18 associations and production groups from the North Coast and Agreste regions of Bahia were assisted with tax and accounting services;

Eight groups benefited from assistance in formalizing sales of their produce;

175 members of special production groups directly reached, of which 120 are women.

Pollinators Alagoinhas, Entre Rios and Esplanada. 753 queen bees distributed to beekeepers to support increased productivity;

80 hives georeferenced in Bracell-owned native forest areas;

Developed and promoted a Bahia North Coast and Agreste Beekeeping Calendar, an educational guide on beekeeping practices.


188 hours of technical assistance provided to small-scale beekeeping producers;

68 hours of theoretical and hands-on training on topics such as queen bee rearing, propolis production, and mead production.

947 people reached through training activities, including beekeepers and interested parties.

81 beekeepers registered in communities within Bracell’s areas of influence.

Women Farmers Santo Amaro and São Sebastião do Passé Nine communities benefited by new social income-generating technologies (bioponics and hydroponics; collective chicken coops and community kitchens).

323 hours of training.

Start of production and produce sales, including at the 8th São Sebastião do Passé Family Farming and Social Economy Fair.

1,733 people reached directly and indirectly through project activities;


59 women engaged in business development training and initiatives;


9 associations and/or collectives supported in the Recôncavo region of Bahia.

Nós do Campo (“In the Field”) Eight municipalities in the North Coast and Agreste of Bahia:

Alagoinhas, Cardeal da Silva, Conde, Entre Rios, Esplanada,

Itanagra, Mata de São João e Rio Real.

12 communities reached.


412 hours of training for small farmers and students.

Five new Agroforestry Systems (AFS) implemented in 2023, totaling 15 AFSs set up since project launch;

Held two editions of the Bracell Social Agroecological Fair, for marketing AFS produce;


Bracell is a member of the RGE group and, as a privately-held entity, our governance policies are aligned with RGE group standards and practices (learn more in GRI 2-9).

419 farmers;

9 teachers from the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Bahia (Alagoinhas);

188 students from the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Bahia (Alagoinhas);

12 communities reached;

8 municipalities reached.

Ponteira Sustentável (Sustainable Leftovers) Alagoinhas, Araçás, Aramari, Cardeal da Silva, Conde, Crisópolis, Entre Rios, Esplanada, Inhambupe, Itanagra, Jandaíra, Ouriçangas, Rio Real and Sátiro Dias R$ 20,706.48 in income generated by project initiatives.

Created a Mixed Cooperative of Rural Workers and Farmers in the North Coast and Agreste of Bahia (COOPNORTE/BA), supporting the economic autonomy of communities and improving wood waste collection workflows on Company properties.

R$ 13,969,275.25 in income generated by the project.

7,988 people;

65 communities;

14 municipalities.


Projects (São Paulo)


Positive impact

Affected stakeholders

Nós do Campo (“In the Field”) Borebi, Agudos, Iaras, and Paulistânia The “Nós do Campo” Project aims to promote food security and increase the income of small rural producers, with a focus on agroecological transition and the implementation of agroforestry systems. In 2023, 128 technical visits were carried out, 8 Participatory Rural Diagnosis meetings were held, 01 training course in management and entrepreneurship of CSOs was held and 10 Agroforestry Systems were implemented. In addition, the project’s farmers participated in Bracell’s internal initiative, the “Feirinha Coletivo Bracell Social”, an initiative that aims to connect social projects with Bracell employees, so that food and handicrafts produced by family farmers, beekeepers and artisans from rural and urban initiatives can be accessed at the factory. In addition, it connects stakeholders with the company’s business and generates income for the communities. At the “Feirinha Coletivo”, family farmers raised more than R$ 12 thousand reais.


477 people impacted: 112 direct beneficiaries (family farmers from settlements);
07 settlements.
Pollinators Botucatu, Cabrália Paulista, Avaré, Agudos, Bauru, Marília, Itatinga, and Lençóis Paulista The project’s objective is to organize beekeeping activities in Bracell’s forest areas, through partnerships with neighboring beekeeping associations, in order to promote the multiple use of the forest for the production of honey and its derivatives, in a structured, responsible and sustainable manner. In 2023, 4 thousand production units were installed in our forests and more than 9 thousand tons of honey were produced. Beekeepers from the project were also invited to participate in the “Bracell Social Collective Fair”, where they raised more than R$ 6 thousand reais


51 beekeepers benefited;

169 indirect beneficiaries (beekeepers’ families);

8 associations.

Conexão Agudos, Barra Bonita, Bauru, Botucatu, Itatinga, Lençóis Paulista, Macatuba, and Pederneiras The Conexão Project aimed to institutionally strengthen civil society organizations in the region where Bracell operates to improve their management, expand their knowledge of resource mobilization strategies and thus contribute to their sustainability. In total, the training had 342 hours of workload, including online and in-person methodology. Topics covered included: Development of Social Projects, Strategic Planning, Financial Issues and Legal Issues, etc. 97 managers trained, representing 25 civil society organizations;

469 organization managers indirectly affected;


Dona Della (“Her own Boss”) Agudos, Avaí, Bauru, Borebi, and Presidente Alves The “Dona Della” Project aims to encourage women’s financial autonomy, with support in the structure and/or strengthening of businesses, whether formalized or not, for the development, reach and consolidation of the market. It is important to emphasize that the entire training, mentoring and business acceleration process will take place in 2024. The Rede Mulher Empreendedora is the executing partner of this project. Furthermore, women entrepreneurs from Edition 01 of Dona Della were invited to participate in the “Feirinha Coletivo Bracell Social”, where they raised more than R$ 3,800.00. 200 women entrepreneurs.

The training, mentoring, and business acceleration program will begin in 2024.