GRI GRI 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption

GRI 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption

All our operations (100% of our forestry and mill operations in Bahia, São Paulo, Sergipe and Mato Grosso do Sul) are assessed on corruption risk in accordance with the RGE Group Anti-Corruption Policy (read more about Bracell’s operations structure in GRI 2-6).

Identified risks are addressed in internal policies containing procedures on identifying potential corruption risks and implementing prevention and mitigation measures.

Bracell also has a Whistleblowing Policy which is focused on internal processes and aimed at direct employees. This document sets out fundamental principles and procedures for reporting and investigating concerns. The Whistleblowing Policy, available in Portuguese only on the Bracell website, outlines:

  1. how to raise concerns about possible inaccuracies in financial reports, internal controls or any other related matters; and
  2. procedures for a fair and independent investigation with adequate follow-up to address each concern raised by employees.

Whistleblowers can report possible inaccuracies to the Internal Audit departments in all operations. Reports can be made by telephone, email, snail mail, face-to-face meetings, and other means of communication.

Other policies on ethical practices and conduct and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations are also available on Bracell’s website. These include our Code of Conduct, our Procurement Code of Ethics, and our Sustainability Policy. Click here to view our policies.