GRI 3-1 Process to determine material topics
Bracell’s materiality matrix lists the social and environmental topics deemed most important by key stakeholders. It was first developed in 2022 and then updated in 2023 to align with the Bracell 2030 commitments and targets. As part of the materiality assessment, we:
- reviewed industry and company documentation on sustainability and benchmarked our practices against industry peers.
- conducted a quantitative and qualitative survey of our leadership team and key stakeholders (employees, suppliers, communities, customers, government agencies, and industry associations) through interviews, survey forms, and a review of ESG questionnaires submitted by customers and banks.
- compiled a shortlist of 18 topics deemed most material by surveyed stakeholders, then prioritized and approved a further narrowed-down list of 10 material topics that now form our materiality matrix—the top 10 most voted topics.
- correlated the material topics identified in the materiality assessment with the Bracell 2030 pillars, based on impact and contribution to our sustainability targets.