GRI GRI 306-3 Waste generated

GRI 306-3 Waste generated

In 2023, Bracell generated a total of 439,435.02 tons of waste in its operations – total of 314,559.68 tons were generated in São Paulo and 124,875.34 tons in Bahia. The waste generation includes forestry and industrial operations. Regarding hazardous waste (class I), Bracell generated 563.48 tons, corresponding to 0.83%. Considering non-hazardous waste (class II), Bracell generated the total of 80,269.62 tons, corresponding to 99.17% of waste generation in 2023.

Mill and Forestry – São Paulo

Waste Class Volume generated (t)
Wood scrap Class II 46.312,15
Used lubricants Class I 145,40
Big bags (discarded) Class II 9,29
General packaging – Plastic carboys and containers Class II 3,26
General packaging – Drums Class II 86,17
Rubber (tires, etc.) Class II 297,75
Construction waste Class II 976,15
Scrap Wood (Jazida Sul) Class II 2.324,88
Miscellaneous scrap metal Class II 487,59
Light bulbs Class I 3.106,00
Batteries (Miscellaneous) Class I 27,85
Electronics Class I 1,00
PPE / Miscellaneous recyclables Class II 58,29
Segregated Recyclables Class II 329,09
Laboratory Waste (DQO solution) Class I 0,49
Class I General (Maintenance / Other) Class I 246,61
Lime mud Class II 62.102,56
Class II General / Unsalvageable Class II 373,98
Sludge (wastewater treatment) Class II 113.220,70
Mixed waste (Dregs, Grits, Knots, Shives, Ash and Sand) Class II 83.816,55
Fiberglass and Rock Wool Class II 10,71
Organic waste Class II 492,05
Class II General / Unsalvageable Class II 131,16
Total 314.559,68


Mill – Bahia


Waste Class Volume generated (t)
Healthcare Waste Class I 0.02
Used lubricants Class I 22.55
Contaminated empty metal drums Class I 5.01
Miscellaneous oil- and grease-contaminated materials Class I 24.03
Light bulbs Class I 0.29
Lime Mud Class II 7,176.56
Lime Residue Class II 2,493.92
Grits Class II 3,507.64
Dregs Class II 7,515.87
Knots and shives Class II 17,452.57
Sawdust Class II 27,683.00
Non-Recyclable Waste Class II 287.18
Paper and Cardboard Class II 168.25
Bark Class II 40,490.52
Yard Waste Class II 664.40
Plastic Scrap Class II 41.78
Wood Scrap Class II 160.04
Empty 1,000 Liter Tanks Class II 1.41
Industrial Waste Class II 988.00
Primary Sludge Class II 10,991.64
Plastic Carboys Class II 0.13
Scrap metal Class II 840.69
Batteries Class II 0.53
Screening solids Class II 10.08
Glass Class II 38.50
Tires Class II 6.11
Emergency Pond Sludge Class II 4,045.00
Total 124,615.72

Forestry – Bahia


Waste Class Volume generated (t)
Lubricants Class I 16.60
Contaminated filters Class I 5.72
Contaminated hoses Class I 8.35
Other contaminated materials Class I 4.88
Pesticide packaging Class I 16.29
Paper and Plastic Class II 18.26
Scrap metal Class II 75.68
Regular Waste Class II 14.76
Machinery tires Class II 14.50
Empty Drums Class II 3.26
Contaminated Soil Class I 3.36
Wood Class II 9.16
Laboratory waste Class I 0.41
Bags Class II 6.98
PPE and used uniforms Class II 2.58
Construction Waste Class II 53.60
Grease Trap Residue Class I 4.27
Fluorescent Lamps Class II 0.10
Batteries Class II 0.05
Conventional tires Class II 0.82
Total 259.62

Note: waste materials generated at Bracell are not managed by third parties. Only internal waste collection and handling processes are managed by a contractor. Waste disposal proper is carried out by Bracell. The information used to track waste generation is compiled by monitoring waste movements (number of trips) and via sampling-based weighing by type of waste and department within the production process. To compile recycling data, all shipments are weighed prior to issuing delivery notes, and data is compiled from a consolidated weighbridge control report as a source of information on waste disposal. For any environmental impacts, Bracell has operational controls in place as part of its Waste Management Plan to prevent and mitigate impacts. This plan describes the types of waste generated within the organization, the departments responsible for monitoring and managing waste streams, and procedures for compliant storage, transportation and disposal.