GRI GRI 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system

GRI 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system

Bracell operates an Integrated Occupational Health and Safety Management System that is compliant with Brazilian legislation, including the Regulatory Standards (NRs) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. This system covers all employees and contractors in our operations.

The system is operated by Bracell employees who are members of the Specialized Occupational Health and Safety Service (SESMT) and the Specialized Rural Occupational Health and Safety Service (SESTR), as mandated by NR-4 and NR-31. Each site has a dedicated Occupational Physician, Occupational Nurse, and Nursing Technician.

Our occupational health and safety management practices also include a Risk Management Program (PGR), Rural Occupational Risk Management Program (PGRTR), and Occupational Health Surveillance Program (PCMSO). These programs outline safety standards and procedures applicable to all activities conducted by employees and contractors, in line with our integrated management system policy.

System procedures also include routine requirements as well as specific control measures depending on the risk profiles of individual tasks.

These initiatives align with our Integrated Management System Manual and international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and Cerflor/PEFC.