GRI GRI 403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety

GRI 403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety

Our concern for the health and safety of employees translates into a range of actions, programs, and initiatives:

  • Safe Behavior Program: designed to develop safety awareness, this program involves trained professionals who identify and mitigate unsafe behaviors. It encourages a preventive approach rather than punitive measures.
  • 100% Safe Journey: this program recognizes safety compliance and good practices demonstrated by employees. Following assessments of compliance with safety standards, winners are announced and awarded bronze, silver, or gold badges.
  • Sempre Alerta Program: implemented in our São Paulo operations, this program aims to proactively identify areas and practices in need of improvement and educate employees about their right to refuse unsafe work.
  • Toolbox Safety Talks: these talks provide an opportunity for employees and contractors to discuss safety before they start each workday.
  • Health and Safety Campaigns: these campaigns promote a culture of health and safety among employees and contractors by disseminating informative and educational materials.
  • Incident identification, reporting, documentation and investigation: this program encourages all employees, including contractors, to identify, communicate, and document all incidents occurring within our operations. Following investigation, action plans are developed for each reported case. All this information is evaluated as part of the incident investigation process.

Due to confidentiality considerations and pursuant to Brazilian patient confidentiality laws, Bracell does not disclose occupational health data, access to which is restricted to employees within this department.