GRI GRI 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees

GRI 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees

In 2023, with Bracell 2030, we will drive our planning and actions focused on the theme of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), with the goal of reaching 30% of women in leadership positions by 2030 (read more in GRI Content 2-22). We have also developed structured actions to drive the agenda in the Company with the Diversity and Inclusion Journey, which is based on the pillars of Gender and PwD in the São Paulo and Bahia units, as well as Race and LGBTQIAPN+ in Bahia; and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee in promoting the agenda in the Company through training and fostering employee engagement on the topic.

In São Paulo, a training session on D&I was held focused on employees in the Human Resources area and also on members of affinity groups. In Bahia, our journey stood out by receiving two commitment seals related to LGBT diversity and the renewal of the ethnic-racial commitment. In addition, throughout the year we promote training for all levels of leadership, Safety Dialogue (DDS) in the areas, internal and external events, and Bracell’s first diversity week.

Bracell is also a signatory of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), a UN Global Compact and UN Women initiative providing guidance on promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community. We also provide thought leadership on this agenda within trade associations.

Gender equity survey

In 2023, we conducted an internal survey targeting women and leaders on gender equality in São Paulo, seeking to understand employees’ perceptions of the work environment. Based on the responses, we based the construction of a Diversity & Inclusion Journey, to actively listen to women regarding the insertion of women in the sector’s job market, and a training agenda on the subject.

Rede Mulher Florestal (“Women in Forestry Network”)

In 2023, we joined and assumed the vice presidency of Rede Mulher Florestal, and began responding to the organization’s survey questionnaire on the presence of women in the forestry industry. The initiative is also collecting diversity data beyond gender, such as race and people with disabilities.

Our participation in the initiative illustrates Bracell’s commitment to promoting and leading gender diversity efforts in the forestry sector.

Composition of Bracell’s senior leadership team by gender

Bracell’s senior leadership team comprises executives holding senior management and executive positions, including managing director, director and senior director positions (senior director is the equivalent of president within the RGE group of companies).

In 2023, 3 women (all senior managers) and 40 men (12 directors and 28 senior managers) integrated Bracell’s senior leadership. Based on the total number of Bracell high level leadership by gender and role in 2023, women held 7% of senior leadership positions.

Based on the total number of Bracell medium level leadership by gender and role, in 2023 women held 29% of medium level leadership positions.

Based on the total number of all Bracell leadership, women held 26.4% of the positions, a total of 93 women on leadership.

Employees by leadership level and gender in 2023

Position Bahia São Paulo Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Director¹ 2 0 10 0 12 0
Senior Manager 4 2 24 1 28 3
Manager 30 11 49 24 79 35
Coordinator 54 17 86 38 140 55
Total 90 30 169 63 259 93

Employees by leadership level and gender in 2023


Position Bahia São Paulo Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Director¹ 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%
Senior Manager 67% 33% 96% 4% 90% 9.7%
Manager 73% 27% 67% 33% 69% 30.7%
Coordinator 75% 25% 69% 31% 71% 28.6%
Total 75% 25% 73% 27% 74% 26%

¹ Including the positions of president, director, head and vice president.

Note: For the Bracell 2030 target of promoting equal opportunities for women and achieving 30% of women in leadership positions, coordination positions and above are taken into account.

Employees by gender and position in 2023

Position Bahia São Paulo Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Executive Management¹ 2 0 10 0 12 0
Senior Management 4 2 24 1 28 3
Middle Management 30 11 49 24 79 35
Coordinators 54 18 86 38 140 56
Specialists 45 8 80 32 125 40
Technicians/Supervisors 115 25 644 76 759 101
Administrative 145 192 370 307 515 499
Operational 1031 210 3219 500 4250 710
Trainees 8 4 19 8 27 12
Total 1.434 470 4.501 986 5.935 1.456

Employees by gender and position in 2023 (%)

Position Bahia São Paulo Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Executive Management¹ 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%
Senior Management 67% 33% 96% 4% 90% 10%
Middle Management 73% 27% 67% 33% 69% 31%
Coordinators 75% 25% 69% 31% 71% 29%
Specialists 85% 15% 71% 29% 76% 24%
Technicians/Supervisors 82% 18% 89% 11% 88% 12%
Administrative 43% 57% 55% 45% 51% 49%
Operational 83% 17% 87% 13% 86% 14%
Trainees 67% 33% 70% 30% 69% 31%
Total 75% 25% 82% 18% 80% 20%
¹ Including the positions of president, director, head and vice president.


Employees by position and age group in 2023

Position Under 30 30 to 50 Over 50 Total
Executive Management¹ 0 4 8 12
Senior Management 0 22 9 31
Middle Management 1 100 13 114
Coordinators 4 172 20 196
Specialists 12 137 16 165
Technicians/Supervisors 175 605 80 860
Administrative 371 597 46 1.014
Operational 1.073 3.287 600 4.960
Trainees 38 1 0 39
Total by age 1.674 4.925 792 7.391

Employees by position and age group in 2023

Position Under 30 30 to 50 Over 50 Total
Executive Management¹ 0% 33% 67% 100%
Senior Management 0% 71% 29% 100%
Middle Management 1% 88% 11% 100%
Coordinators 2% 88% 10% 100%
Specialists 7% 83% 10% 100%
Technicians/Supervisors 20% 70% 9% 100%
Administrative 37% 59% 5% 100%
Operational 22% 66% 12% 100%
Trainees 97% 3% 0% 100%
Total by age 23% 67% 11% 100%
¹ Including the positions of president, director, head and vice president.
Note: regarding the percentage by age, in 2023, 67% of Bracell employees are between 30 and 50 years old; 23% are under 30 years old and 11% are over 50 years old.


Employees by region and gender

Operation 2021 2022 2023
Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
São Paulo 2.592 523 3.115 3.412 715 4.127 4.501 986 5.487
Bahia 1.235 356 1.591 1.342 436 1.778 1.434 470 1.904
Total 3.827 879 4.706 4.754 1.151 5.905 5.935 1.456 7.391

Note: The total number of employees in 2022 differs from the result published in the 2022 Sustainability Report because it does not take into account data on own employees of the Mato Grosso do Sul operations (total of 392 own employees, 310 men and 82 women). In 2023, the Mato Grosso do Sul operations became part of the MS Florestal company, part of the RGE group, so they ceased to be part of Bracell’s operations in 2023.

Employees by region and gender (%)

Operation 2021 2022 2023
Men Women Men Women Men Women
São Paulo 83% 17% 83% 17% 82% 18%
Bahia 78% 22% 75% 25% 75% 25%
Total 81% 19% 81% 19% 80% 20%