GRI GRI 2-7 Employees

GRI 2-7 Employees

In 2023, 80% of our workforce were men and 20% were women. In 2021, the ratio was 81% men to 19% women. In 2022, 80% men to 80%. For details on the percentage of women in middle and senior management roles at Bracell, refer to disclosure GRI 405.

Total workforce by region and gender

  2021 2022 2023
Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Bahia 1,235 356 1,591 1,342 436 1,778 1,434 470 1,904
São Paulo 2,592 523 3,115 3,412 715 4,127 4,501 986 5,487
Total by gender 3,827 879 4,706 4,754 1,151 5,905 5,935 1,456 7,391

Note: the total workforce in 2022 differs from the figure reported in the 2022 Sustainability Report as it excludes employees in our operations in Mato Grosso do Sul (a total of 392 employees; 310 men and 82 women). In 2023, our operations in Mato Grosso do Sul were merged into MS Florestal, an RGE group company, and therefore ceased to be part of Bracell’s operations.

Workforce by gender, location, employment type and contract type

  2021 2022 2023
CONTRACT TYPE Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Number of permanent employees 2,627 805 3,432 4,785 1153 5,938 5,897 1421 7,318
Number of temporary employees 39 22 61 122 80 202 38 35 73
Non-guaranteed hours employees¹ 169 35 204 1,769 146 1,915 4,683 1033 5,716
Full-time employees 3,670 862 4,532 4,653 1133 5,786 5,735 1387 7,122
Part-time employees ² 0 0 0 72 58 130 17 23 40
Note: Permanent employees are non-temporary employees whose employment contracts are governed by the Brazilian Consolidated Labor Regulations, working either full time, part time or with non-guaranteed hours.
¹ Employees in specialist, coordinator, middle management and senior management positions;
² Young apprentices.