GRI GRI 2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy

GRI 2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy

As we marked our 20th anniversary in Brazil, we unveiled our long-term vision for building a more sustainable and inclusive future: Bracell 2030.

Bracell presents 14 targets and commitments, organized into four strategic pillars, that have been set to be achieved no later than 2030. Progress on each target is tracked by senior leadership and periodically reported to the Sustainability Steering Committee.

Targets within Bracell 2030 have been established through extensive benchmarking both within and outside the industry, and through an internal cross-department consultation via Working Groups (WGs) focused on the different topics within our Sustainability Strategy. Our long-term plan for sustainability in anchored in 14 targets and commitments that are the benchmark in the pulp industry in Brazil, focusing on climate, biodiversity, sustainable production, people and communities.

 Monitoring progress towards 2030 goals

Bracell 2030 targets and commitments, launched in 2023, presents the Company’s purpose of building a positive legacy for the climate, nature, people and local communities. From 2024 onwards, Bracell will manage the progress of its 2030 targets by monitoring action plans and KPIs.

This process will be addressed through working groups composed of operational teams that will report directly to Bracell Sustainability Steering Committee. The performance towards the targets will be disclosed at the 2024 to 2030 Sustainability Report.

Bracell 2030 embeds sustainability at the core of our business, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Bracell 2030 commitments and targets